Sorry about your injured hen. It can be confusing answering your questions on someone else’s thread, so it is best to start a new thread of your own. I would give her some time, and try to nurse her back to health if she shows signs of wanting to live. A chicken sling can be used to get her up and in front of food for periods throughout the day. Tube feeding KayTee Exact baby bird feed is something that may help until she is better. Tubes and syringes are available from Amazon. Torpedo feeding is something you can look up online as well. If she has wounds, cleaning with saline or wound spray, and keeping them covered with plain Neosporin ointment twice a day would be good. Here is a good thread about chicken slings, and the first 2 pages are good to read:
Vets can euthanize hens. If I have one suffering, I prefer to do it at home by cutting the jugular veins where they bleed out instantly. There are plenty of methods to research online. Let us know how she gets along.
She did not recover. Despite my trying to help her. But thank you for the comments.
My frizzle chicken was ?attacked? (put it in question marks because I found her running and freaking out With a cat just standing about 5 meters away SO I'm not entirely sure what happened) she was attacked by a small cat no visible injury whatsoever apart from minor feather loss on mid back. but she is unable to stand at all, and seems to be very off balance from her left leg. On solid ground she lays on her right side after a while but is able sit normally. Both wings are fine, and when i fip her upside down she can stretch both legs out. Is it a dislocation? A spine problem? She's still eating and drinking fine and slept through the night. Not lethargic and very alert, this is my second time posting this and ljust don't know what to do, my mum won't take her to the vet I just want her to be okay
It has now been a little over a month and I have been giving her vitiman B complex mealworms and witiman E with her food and have seen pretty much no improvement. She can move her legs a little when laying down but one leg is almost permanently stretched out Infront of her, I can put it back under her with no pain but it doesn't stay. Where as the other leg is almost always tucked and curled, she can move both but still cannot stand idk what else to do this is so weird and I cannot find a case like it.

PS: still no sign of lethargicness eats fine, drinks fine, I doubt she's in pain I sit outside in the grass with her and she makes happy trills. has no problem falling asleep at night and her wings work perfectly.
It has now been a little over a month and I have been giving her vitiman B complex mealworms and witiman E with her food and have seen pretty much no improvement. She can move her legs a little when laying down but one leg is almost permanently stretched out Infront of her, I can put it back under her with no pain but it doesn't stay. Where as the other leg is almost always tucked and curled, she can move both but still cannot stand idk what else to do this is so weird and I cannot find a case like it.

PS: still no sign of lethargicness eats fine, drinks fine, I doubt she's in pain I sit outside in the grass with her and she makes happy trills. has no problem falling asleep at night and her wings work perfectly.
Have you tried making a chicken sling for her, to get her upright and help her eat and drink. Sorry that she has not recovered use of her leg and foot. It could be permanent nerve damage, but giving her supportive care with eating and drinking, she may improve. I hope so. Here is a good thread with examples of chicken slings:
Have you tried making a chicken sling for her, to get her upright and help her eat and drink. Sorry that she has not recovered use of her leg and foot. It could be permanent nerve damage, but giving her supportive care with eating and drinking, she may improve. I hope so. Here is a good thread with examples of chicken slings:
Yes I have, about a day after I made the original post. She uses it every day but sleeps in a tub with a soft deep pillow.
Have you tried making a chicken sling for her, to get her upright and help her eat and drink. Sorry that she has not recovered use of her leg and foot. It could be permanent nerve damage, but giving her supportive care with eating and drinking, she may improve. I hope so. Here is a good thread with examples of chicken slings:
Do you think it could be a slipped tendon on the stretched out leg? Here's a picture of both her legs sin a sling


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