Chicken fell off of Chicken Truck; Possible broken leg


7 Years
Mar 6, 2012
Greenville, SC
I got a call Monday morning from my local shelter that I volunteer at to ask me if I would take a chicken that had been brought in on Saturday. The poor chicken fell off of the chicken truck on the way to his/her demise, but there is no way to tell from what height she feel from. A good Samaritan picked her up and brought her to the shelter. They told me that the chicken was limping but I agreed to take her/him anyway. The chicken is approximately 8 to 10 weeks old. While I was cleaning out the cage I sat the chicken which I am calling Grace on the ground and while she was hobbling around I heard a pop or clicking noise with every step. Grace is putting weight on it to get food and water every now and then, but like I said it is popping and or clicking. I do not want her/him to be in pain but I don't know how long it might take a broken leg to heal before I consider putting her down. Does anyone have any advice? I have her separated from my 4 hens and my rooster.

Thank you in advance.


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