Chicken Laying wrong color egg?!

I am so jealous :p I used to have some Ameraucanas and I miss those nice blue eggs. But I'm a nerd and consider every egg a little matter the color. Good luck with your girls, they sure are pretty.
Well i guess the place i go through for chickens doesn't have any true ameraucanas. i got two there. one lays teal eggs and the other brown eggs. One if them knows how to fly. Its scary. She hasn't tried to leave the yard thankfully. i knew about the egg color check thing but i didn't think it was possible for one to lay a brown egg. here is a pic of the one who flies and lays brown eggs. don't have a pic of the other one on my computer yet.


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"Idk which ones they are but if they're the real deal they will not be priced at $3 or $4 more like $12 and up I would guess." The Moonshiner

Chickens out here are really expensive so that isn't much of a price for me. My easter egger pullets were about 18-22 dollars each.
Well i guess the place i go through for chickens doesn't have any true ameraucanas. i got two there. one lays teal eggs and the other brown eggs. One if them knows how to fly. Its scary. She hasn't tried to leave the yard thankfully. i knew about the egg color check thing but i didn't think it was possible for one to lay a brown egg. here is a pic of the one who flies and lays brown eggs. don't have a pic of the other one on my computer yet.

She's a very pretty girl! She almost looks like my Maple (feed store easter egger). I'm sorry that she lays brown though. Maple, when she actually does lay, lays a big green egg.

What you're looking for is an Ameraucana not "Americana". Americana are just Easter Eggers and can lay any color egg.
I've heard people say there is a couple hatcheries that sale true Ameraucana.
Idk which ones they are but if they're the real deal they will not be priced at $3 or $4 more like $12 and up I would guess.
Oh and Ameraucana only lay blue eggs so if it says blue or green eggs its not an Ameraucana.
x2 everything said here.

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