Chicken saves chicken - they care for each other - sharing a story


Premium Feather Member
Jun 5, 2024
I saw the coolest thing yesterday and have to share. While the girls - all pullets - were out ranging yesterday, the Orpington ate a piece of grass that she couldn't quite swallow. I noticed her shaking her head violently, there was a small, 2" piece of grass hanging from her mouth. She continued to shake her head, feaking her beak on the ground, and scratching her mouth with her foot, more violent head shaking, audible panicked sounds now, repeat the foot scratching, rubbing her beak on the ground, faster head shaking, the entire time her vocals were getting louder and more panicked. The more she panicked, the more she panicked, this piece of grass was not dislodging for some reason. This went on for about two minutes. I tried to approach and pick her up to help but she moved away as she does not like to be touched. More panicked attempt to dislodge it. Distressed vocals very loud now. In rushes the Golden Comet to the rescue. GC runs up to the BO, grabs the end of the grass and starts pulling and pulling, until it released from her mouth. Aaahhhh, sweet and immediate relief. This piece of 'whatever' was almost 9" long! She immediately commenced pecking and scratching for bugs, relieved the 'whatever' was free and life was back to normal. The GC might not have actually saved the BO but she certainly came to her rescue to help her in a distressed moment. I don't know why she couldn't swallow it unless it was just too long. I was amazed by this behavior and impressed with the GC's actions. I wish I had it on video but this was not my first reaction or thought. I suppose this is a maternal behavior to help and care for another? I am new to chickens this year and I am regularly impressed, amused and entertained by their behaviors.
I had a hen who had a bad wing, and it hung so low she would walk on it. She could no longer roost with the other hens and would sleep in a nest box. I felt bad for her, and even thought of putting her out of it. One day a lady was looking for a home for her lavender rooster chick. Even though he was this big, (10 weeks old or so,) I put him under the hen.

They fell in love, and she cured his new to the pen loneliness, he cured her wing.
That is such a sweet story. Love the picture.
I have fallen in love with chickens and now can't imagine life without them. My husband jokes that I've "been bitten by the chicken bug and have never been the same since." 😂

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