Chicken yards with hawk netting


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
Ok, I’ve searched on here and cannot find the coop/run set up I have seen a few times. I’m hoping someone can link it for me or maybe post pictures of theirs if it’s similar.

It’s a fenced in chicken yard that had maypoles (?) holding up netting and it draped over to the fence. We are going to cover a 50’X100’ area and I want to use a similar set up with it being higher in the middle and draping out to the fencing. We have mature pines and also growing trees to work around. If I’m remembering correctly this person also had trees growing and maneuvered them through the netting as they grew. I hope I am describing it clear enough for someone to understand.
We have a setup like that, but much smaller. We used 10' PVC pipe for the center and corners. We used one 8' 2x4 as support halfway down the long side(which is about 25' long). The extra netting is sewn to the fence with baling twine. We weren't sure if we were going to make this permanent, so the supports are tied to the t-posts with baling twine. That was a year ago😂 The center support was placed over a 6'(?) t post.
Thank you all for your replies and pictures! You have alll given great ideas/examples of what I am looking for.
I also have to correct my area size. The net is 50’X100”, our area is about 70’X30’ so much smaller than originally stated.

@raingarden that is a good idea to attach to the sides and then lift up in the center.

@David61 Did you make those towers?

@Sueby Did you have to work the net around the large tree trunk? Did you have to cut the net and then see it back together? Or am I seeing the angle wrong in the picture?

@RubelliteRose I love the raised garden beds! What can you grow in them that the chickens leave alone? I bet you could lay chicken wire over the top of the soil to prevent digging, which is how my girls destroy gardens/plants.
Thank you all for your replies and pictures! You have alll given great ideas/examples of what I am looking for.
I also have to correct my area size. The net is 50’X100”, our area is about 70’X30’ so much smaller than originally stated.

@raingarden that is a good idea to attach to the sides and then lift up in the center.

@David61 Did you make those towers?

@Sueby Did you have to work the net around the large tree trunk? Did you have to cut the net and then see it back together? Or am I seeing the angle wrong in the picture?

@RubelliteRose I love the raised garden beds! What can you grow in them that the chickens leave alone? I bet you could lay chicken wire over the top of the soil to prevent digging, which is how my girls destroy gardens/plants.
Yes, we cut the netting to go around the trees & used hog rings to clip it back together & fence staples to attach it to the trees. One issue we have is the squirrels will chew little highway paths thru the netting at the fence posts or the trees so they can run up or down & get thru, I used to repair them but they’d just chew threw another spot so I now just leave them their little holes. They only chew 1 square so it’s not too obvious & hasn’t been an issue yet. If that makes sense. & not sure if you have squirrels like we have squirrels!
Yes, we cut the netting to go around the trees & used hog rings to clip it back together & fence staples to attach it to the trees. One issue we have is the squirrels will chew little highway paths thru the netting at the fence posts or the trees so they can run up or down & get thru, I used to repair them but they’d just chew threw another spot so I now just leave them their little holes. They only chew 1 square so it’s not too obvious & hasn’t been an issue yet. If that makes sense. & not sure if you have squirrels like we have squirrels!
Ummmm….I’ve decided the next time my dog kills a squirrel I am going to put its head on a stake. Apparently leaving the dead body out for a day or two heeds no warning. We have never eaten a piece of fruit from our 6 fruit trees and stopped attempting to grow anything else. Our neighbors all rent garden plots outside of our neighborhood so they can actually grow AND harvest. To say we have squirrels is an understatement 😖
Really good idea for getting coverage around our mature pines. We struggle getting good coverage behind them. A hawk made an escape from the dogs navigating that narrow opening along the fence.
I am so glad we don't have very many squirrels! I think we have 3- on the neighbor's property... They can just stay there!
@RubelliteRose I love the raised garden beds! What can you grow in them that the chickens leave alone? I bet you could lay chicken wire over the top of the soil to prevent digging, which is how my girls destroy gardens/plants.
We surrounded every bed with a hodge podge of chicken wire, leftover hardware cloth and leftover window screen 😂 It is a little inconvenient, but not too bad. The chickens loved having access to the pathways and they definitely helped keep the weeds down!

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