Chickens ate all the garden plants/cover crop

Lower grade how? A lot of science goes into those big brands to make sure their feeds are efficient at accomplishing the job. And I mean reliable big brands, not just any old feed. Purina has established itself as reliable. Just because somebody's uncle ground it up at the local mill, doesn't automatically make it superior. Not that local mills are necessarily bad, but they are not better by assumption either.
That's the first article I found looking
So, there's a number of posts on this Forum discussing the conspiracy theories that are circulating right now, which you can follow or investigate if interested. If you have some actual feed you believe has been causing problems @Aunt Angus has generously offered to test some feed for us to make sure it has what it's supposed to have nutritionally.

For myself, I've been feeding Purina All Flock (20% protein) from Tractor Supply for 8-9 months (since birth for my current flock), and have actually had my egg production increase when the weather was warm, sunny, and my new layers started laying. The only decrease in production I've seen has been with overcast/cloudy weather. Even unseasonable cold weather hasn't affected my flock. I haven't seen any problems with laying that I was able to link to the feed.
Okay yeah so you'll need some real sources to back up your claims, sources with truth behind them. The tea party is not known for its commitment to the truth. And this website is flagged by as full of conspiracy theories and fiction.
Yeah okay like I said first article I found I didn't keep looking I just put that in and pulled up an article geez settle down folks
So, there's a number of posts on this Forum discussing the conspiracy theories that are circulating right now, which you can follow or investigate if interested. If you have some actual feed you believe has been causing problems @Aunt Angus has generously offered to test some feed for us to make sure it has what it's supposed to have nutritionally.

For myself, I've been feeding Purina All Flock (20% protein) from Tractor Supply for 8-9 months (since birth for my current flock), and have actually had my egg production increase when the weather was warm, sunny, and my new layers started laying. The only decrease in production I've seen has been with overcast/cloudy weather. Even unseasonable cold weather hasn't affected my flock. I haven't seen any problems with laying that I was able to link to the feed.
And again I'm going to tell you the same thing it was the first article I found when I punched in Purina and bad feed didn't pay attention to who it was from geez and I'm not a conspiracy theorist
Yeah okay like I said first article I found I didn't keep looking I just put that in and pulled up an article geez settle down folks
And again I'm going to tell you the same thing it was the first article I found when I punched in Purina and bad feed didn't pay attention to who it was from geez and I'm not a conspiracy theorist

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