Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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I agree, observation and common sense go a long way.

I love the type of questions that common sense would answer.

i.e. Do you have to cook (whatever) to feed it to chickens?
I'm pretty sure Jungle fowl never had stoves.

Will a broody hen keep the chicks warm enough?
If not, how did they survive for 6000 years before electricity

Am I being too harsh?
I agree, observation and common sense go a long way.

I love the type of questions that common sense would answer.

i.e. Do you have to cook (whatever) to feed it to chickens?
I'm pretty sure Jungle fowl never had stoves.

Will a broody hen keep the chicks warm enough?
If not, how did they survive for 6000 years before electricity

Am I being too harsh?

No your not being too harsh.
Too harsh? Probably. How are people that consider the root source of food to be the super market storeroom or maybe the 18-wheeler, who's only close-up experience with living animals is pet dogs wearing sweaters, and who think they can't get enough nutrition from basic food but need all kinds of supplements and special cooking* supposed to know things that just seem second nature to many of us. If they get chickens they will probably still not eat them but at least they will understand where eggs come from. And a few may learn that chickens mating is not an act of pure brutality where the rooster needs to spend some time in time-out or that a hen pecking another is not a national emergency. They just don't know and have no real way to have learned. Any more, most of their grandparents don't know any better either. I'm truly amazed by some of the things people post on this forum, but I think I am beyond surprise.

* I'll put the asterix because I know some people need to be very careful what they eat for medical reasons. I'm not talking about them.
We have a friend that's a nurse. Her doctor boyfriend was surprised that she didn't know a rooster was a male chicken. She said she could answer anything medical but knew very little else. How can you go through life and not absorb some knowledge even if only by osmosis. If you watch cartoons you learn Foghorn Leghorn was a rooster and he was a he.
That same nurse won't eat my eggs because she saw my chickens foraging in their pasture. I offered to show her a picture of the chickens that her store eggs came from. She said 'No thanks'.

I can SO relate! My own doctor didn't know that chickens lay eggs with no roosters around. Education doesn't guarantee a person knows everything, only that they know about what they studied.
One has a choice while being engaged here. You could just dismiss 95% of the posts as too inane to bother responding. You can get frustrated by the junior high student's questions, the PC remarks, the juvenile threads that clog works, the silly stuff asked over, and over and over. It can try one's patience.

The temptation to post sharp tongued, or harsh statements is very real.

It is much harder and challenging to offer some guidance that might help folks. If it gets too frustrating to deal with appropriately? Perhaps some time away from this place is in order, because this place just is what it is.
Fred's Hens :

One has a choice while being engaged here. You could just dismiss 95% of the posts as too inane to bother responding. You can get frustrated by the junior high student's questions, the PC remarks, the juvenile threads that clog works, the silly stuff asked over, and over and over. It can try one's patience.

The temptation to post sharp tongued, or harsh statements is very real.

It is much harder and challenging to offer some guidance that might help folks. If it gets too frustrating to deal with appropriately? Perhaps some time away from this place is in order, because this place just is what it is.

I go by the theory that most people only hear what they want to hear. This thread has been given the green light to be harsh. Other threads, maybe not. I don't think there is any reason to apologize HERE for using harsh language like what we're discussing.​
I go by the theory that most people only hear what they want to hear. This thread has been given the green light to be harsh. Other threads, maybe not. I don't think there is any reason to apologize HERE for using harsh language like what we're discussing.

As an example, it seems that every time I urge people NOT to heat their coops and give a laundry list of reasons why, they do it anyway. Why ask for advice if you really made your mind up already?
I think they want someone to agree with them that that heat lamp and no ventilation is a good idea.

And I agree, time away from the inane is very calming.
I used to be a regular on another forum but couldn't take it any more. It was more of a cuddly atmosphere and only a couple people gave good advice and one of those would first and foremost recommend medication almost regardless of what the situation was. I was appalled at how much anti-biotic and wormer this person encouraged people to pump into their birds as a 'preventive measure'.
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