Chickens in the Run... Sorta

Awww....he is so excited about his hen laying an egg! ❤ What a good boy he is!
Lucian tries very hard, he's the best tid-biter of my 3 cockerels, and as the video shows he's attentive to the girls. But he's a little behind the 8-ball and gets picked on. No real violence yet, but a whole lot of chasing going on. Luckily he's very fast and the Bielefelder boys are husky and a lot slower. I find myself as moderator and cheerleader because I love them all!
Lucian tries very hard, he's the best tid-biter of my 3 cockerels, and as the video shows he's attentive to the girls. But he's a little behind the 8-ball and gets picked on. No real violence yet, but a whole lot of chasing going on. Luckily he's very fast and the Bielefelder boys are husky and a lot slower. I find myself as moderator and cheerleader because I love them all!
He sounds like a real sweetheart! ❤ Being nimble comes in handy when out running the bigger more aggressive boys! :)
Scrolling through my pictures of this journey, I found a Lucian baby picture I just have to share..

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