Chickens in the Run... Sorta

Lucian's hairdo improves with age! At that age, were you at all tempted to name him Elvis?

I am enjoying the close-up shots of your flock, they are certainly good at showing off their big personalities!
Actually, at that age Lucian was named Lucille (after my Grandmother:lau He's still named after her... sorta!)

Thank you! Their personalities are fun to capture. I can't tell you though how many times I wished I had my phone to take a picture of something they were doing and didn't have it available!
Hilda says: "Good Afternoon, everyone!" She's one of my Whiting True Greens. She was a bit awkward looking as a baby with an extra long neck, but she's very pretty now! I'm a bit biased mind you...
Well, the kids are venturing out a little...

I haven't energized the fence yet. But I'm also out here with them and I'm not worried that any predators would try anything with me here...(let 'em try!)

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