- I have 16 chicks (5 barred rock, 5 golden comet, 6 black australorp) aged 8 weeks plus old (all of the golden comet had some feathers when I picked up chicks from hatchery so I'm guessing they are at least 5 days older than rest of the chicks)
- Feeding Scratch and Peck Starter/ Modest Milling starter... Both of them are somewhat dusty
- Coop has good ventilation: Large flake pine shaving, trying deep litter method
2-3 weeks ago, I thought I heard one of the golden comet made some noise that I've never heard before. Not knowing anything about chickens, I even thought I was hearing something that doesn't exist. She was eating, drinking and acting as same as usual so I thought it was my imagenation. Later I found out that noise was sneezing from research.
Anyway, 2-3weeks forward, more and more chicks are sneezing but eating, drinking and acting really really crazy (that is normal for them). They are so crazy that I worry about them hurting themselves. I don't see any other symptoms and probably I'm worrying about something that doesn't exist, but is there anything I can do to help them stop sneezing? Loos like they are not bothered by it but it bothers me a lot. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.