Very new to chickens as my name suggests. We got pine shavings as we didn't know what else to get. I put paper towels over the pine shavings for a couple of days to discourage eating them, but the chicks, anytime I go to change the paper towels, go FERAL for the pine shavings. They kick up the shavings and eat little flakes of them. I want to encourage this "kicking up" behavior because they will be free range and I want them to hunt for ticks and such, but I don't want them eating the dang pine shavings! I feed them organic Purina starter/grower as they are vaccinated. I live in Kentucky, they are brooded in my garage. They've been on quick chick electrolytes since Friday (thats when I got them). We want to save as much money as possible so I haven't invested in chick grit as they will be free range, but I heard that maybe they are just vitamin deficient. I don't know!