Chicks doing everything possible to eat pine shavings! Help!


May 31, 2024
Very new to chickens as my name suggests. We got pine shavings as we didn't know what else to get. I put paper towels over the pine shavings for a couple of days to discourage eating them, but the chicks, anytime I go to change the paper towels, go FERAL for the pine shavings. They kick up the shavings and eat little flakes of them. I want to encourage this "kicking up" behavior because they will be free range and I want them to hunt for ticks and such, but I don't want them eating the dang pine shavings! I feed them organic Purina starter/grower as they are vaccinated. I live in Kentucky, they are brooded in my garage. They've been on quick chick electrolytes since Friday (thats when I got them). We want to save as much money as possible so I haven't invested in chick grit as they will be free range, but I heard that maybe they are just vitamin deficient. I don't know!


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We want to save as much money as possible so I haven't invested in chick grit
It's normal for chicks to pick up and eat whatever is in the environment, it's how they explore and learn about what's good eating and what's not. I'd get the grit, it's cheap insurance and even a small bag will last you forever.
the shavings provide them with some fibre, which is good for their developing guts. Cut a turf from your lawn and put in it for them to explore, sample, and inoculate their guts.

eta if you put some dry dirt from your yard in too, they'll select their own grit from it.
It's normal for chicks to pick up and eat whatever is in the environment, it's how they explore and learn about what's good eating and what's not. I'd get the grit, it's cheap insurance and even a small bag will last you forever.
So what I'm gathering from this and the comment after yours. I can buy grit or get some dirt from outside? Is dirt from outside going to do the same?
Okay yes I will look for some dirt, may help build immunities too.
it's not just about immunities, it's about developing the physical structure of their gastrointestinal tract. They will be better able to digest whatever they eat if you give them a range of real foods with fibre now, while they are chicks. Choose a weedy bit of lawn, include some of the soil, if there are wiggly things in it, so much the better! And I'd put some shavings back in, and then sit back and watch them to see them sample and select from the buffet on offer.

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