City Issued a Citation and claims we aren’t allowed to have chickens due to neighbor’s complaint. What are my options?

You can kind of get a feel for how "straight" they made it....
049 (2).JPG
Yes, but I am still not convinced H over V is not simply due to a tax/governance advantage over the middle guy. Keeping it shallow and wide, gives them room for business and taxes. Cuts more of the middle man out and gives more power to private/uhm non-profit power companies. I may or may not speak from experience. Think bowing is the only one?
Thank you, I honestly THINK both would work at the very least equally as well as the other. My only concern is um...intentions. Say you're federal government right, you want to limit the land the small guy has to work with so they're reliant on you. You build it wide, right? less land they can work with so they have to pay more in taxes. BUT If you dig straight down, instead of to the side... you store larger amounts of water and keep more sun ready plains ready for farming. We are all manipulated and I just choose to look through the cracks. I don't ever call myself right please... I want to learn. Thank you for teaching me. I concede, you win for now. Thanks again.
I couldn't agree more. I think we should all question everything, look for cracks... This river is definitely not a simple creek, it rages close to the mountain (zig zag,) many great you tube video's of flooding and lost lives, that's why I trust my friends Engineering expertise over mine (I'm an Engineer of another sort,) but it does not mean I trust the government in general, lol, so much no.... No conceding necessary, I appreciate thoughtful conversation. I'm so going to grill my bud next time we speak, haha!
After a couple weeks of waiting for a response…
View attachment 3872999
It’s not the end yet. Still going to keep trying.

Any advice from anyone at this point? Anything we can do to help?
Maybe research and provide documents about how healthy farm fresh eggs are? I'm not saying from an internet blog, get documents from doctors and nutritionists
What were they saying 'no' to exactly?
I’m assuming the amending of the ordinance which was the main goal to begin with.

This would legalize (6) chickens in our city for all zones with a minimum of 5000 square feet, rather than properties with over 5 acres in one specific zone.
I'm sorry that I don't recall from the beginning of this thread, how much land are you on? Also, are you the home owner? I do remember that you had way to many Roosters to make a case at the beginning. But it sounds like you've done a lot to remedy the situation. Reduced number of chickens, cleaned up and eliminated rats? If so, I was challenged over a horse a long time ago. So I had a Geologist friend from the University write a white paper which proved that if one horse stood directly over a well and pee'd for 1 year straight, the amount of contamination would not even read. I think you can present facts and data on how much land 1 chicken needs to put things into perspective. Often it works when they have a clear picture.

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