Cochin/Ameraucana Cross?

Yes they all have beards. The cross makes a nice bird. All of mine are really friendly but the parents are really stand offish
can you tell male from females . Mine are 4 months old. What are good signs to look for other than tnhe crow. We need to butcher the roos before snow .
can you tell male from females . Mine are 4 months old. What are good signs to look for other than tnhe crow. We need to butcher the roos before snow .

At 4 months old, we should be able to help you tell male from female. If you start a thread in the "What breed or gender section with good profile pics of your birds, giving the breed and age, we'll help you decide who stays and who gets the axe.

This is Castro, she's about 9 weeks & supposed to be a Ameraucana Cochin mix. These are our first chick's so I'm new to everything...

Any suggestions how to verify she is in fact a hen yet?
The black one in the pic is a baby of an Ameracauna Roo (multi colored) and white cochin hen. Just hatched last night. He is black on his back and yellow on belly and chin. Tips of wings are yellow and a tiny bit around his face is yellow. His mom is 100% white so not sure where black comes from lol can't wait to see fully grown.

The black one in the pic is a baby of an Ameracauna Roo (multi colored) and white cochin hen. Just hatched last night. He is black on his back and yellow on belly and chin. Tips of wings are yellow and a tiny bit around his face is yellow. His mom is 100% white so not sure where black comes from lol can't wait to see fully grown.

Update please?
She's still just a baby, but her mom is a barred cochin and dad is a red Americana roo :) She's just starting to sprout leg feathers. We named her Olive, because I'm hoping that she'll lay olive eggs!


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I know this post is really old but I wanted to post some pics of my ameraucana-cochin hybrid chicks because you don't see them often. I like to say they got the cheeks with the fur and the boots with the fur. The fur of course being feathers. I post pics of the cochin roo and white ameraucana momma as well, don'tmind her saddle she needs it lol. I still dont fully understand why all the chicks are black, but theyre beautiful.
I have also been wondering what a cochin/ameraucana cross would look like! I have a cochin and a EE Roo. I hope someone comes along with some pics.
I have a couple cochin/EE mixes. They're only a six weeks old but their moslty feathered out at this point. Here's a couple pictures with mama.


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