Cockerel or Pullet? Chicks are 7 weeks old

You haven't. If you have a pullet that looks like him, we are going to need pictures to believe you. Either way, 4 is definitely a male. His splotchy coloring, comb, and mahagony leakage are all screaming male.
Harsh, I'm sot talking about the shoulders, I'm talking about the comb and some of the coloring.
Please let me know if you think cockerel or pullet. I’ve labeled them in the first picture 1-4. I bought these from a Breeder who said they were all female. He says he checks gender by wings & he sells his cockerels to a company for butchering. Please let me know your thoughts, I’m curious about one possibly being a cockerel. Hopefully not because I have young children who go into our coop every day to play with our friendly adult hens & ducks & I wouldn’t want a rooster changing that dynamic.

Breeder also said they are purebred Ameraucanas that produce blue eggs. I don’t really care if they are Americauna or Easter eggers. I’ll love them anyway but I am curious to know their proper breed.
2 and 4 look like cockerels. They also have that bald eagle serious face look.

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