Cockerel or Pullet? Chicks are 7 weeks old

It's male. The large comb, solid black hackles, and patchy coloration confirm that #4 is indeed a male.
Thank you! It was the curled tail (sickle?) feathers that first got me wondering if those two were boys…then their combs came in quicker…but one’s comb was smaller & yellow & the other bright pink so I wasn’t sure..
Please let me know if you think cockerel or pullet. I’ve labeled them in the first picture 1-4. I bought these from a Breeder who said they were all female. He says he checks gender by wings & he sells his cockerels to a company for butchering. Please let me know your thoughts, I’m curious about one possibly being a cockerel. Hopefully not because I have young children who go into our coop every day to play with our friendly adult hens & ducks & I wouldn’t want a rooster changing that dynamic.

Breeder also said they are purebred Ameraucanas that produce blue eggs. I don’t really care if they are Americauna or Easter eggers. I’ll love them anyway but I am curious to know their proper breed.

I'll be the devil's advocate and say only #2 is a roo... but time will tell. Will be great if you could update us when they're about 10 weeks old?

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