
I finally pieced my black white & red chicken quilt and recently received it back from long arm quilter Linda Vopat FLying Hearts quilting in Watkins, CO. It has a warm wool batting which is washable in cold water. Its pretty large, enough to cover my hubby head to foot or if we want to snuggle together beneath it
. We had morning sun but now some big cloud's coming over, I was looking forward to sun too!
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I love that pattern!

I really like that one upside-down chicken, cuz, ya know, there is one in every flock!
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Re chickens being addicting: BRING IT ON! I've wanted chicks ALL my life, and now at 58 years old I finally get my wish.

I'm curious about where us newbies should get our chicks. I know Murdochs will have them in the spring, but do they carry the breeds we've been discussing here (Easter Eggers, Cochins, etc. etc.)? I also know I can order them and get via mail, but let me ask a really dumb question: isn't shipping baby chicks hard on them? I own a packing/shipping store, and I see how parcels are handled, and gee whiz, it seems like that would be awful on live critters.

I'm still hoping to find a BYC-type chicken addict in Salida (vs. actual chicken-farm folks) to swap vacation duties, so I'll post once in a while until someone peeps.
Hey it's never too late to have chickens. I'm happy for you that your getting your wish. They are a kick! The Murdoch's up in Westminster said they've got chicks coming in March, the Bomgarrs in Brighton have them coming in the next week or so. They're using Welp Hatchery this year instead of Privett. Almost all the farm stores will carry the usual EE's, RIR's, NHR's, BR's, NN's, and once in awhile they throw the Cochins or other breeds in. You can also ask them to specifically order them for you too. I've ordered from Ideal in TX a few time and have had really good luck with shipping and mortality. You'll get many words of advice and ideas on this. Good luck and have fun!

eta: or if you feel like driving, the Elizabeth and Kiowa Corner farm stores will have chicks starting next week. They have an ad on Craigslist and they're going to have all kinds of breeds LF and bantams, S/R and Pullets

The baby chicks will be arriving soon!!!!

Chicks will start arriving the middle of February, see schedule below. Turkeys, guineas, pheasants, quail, geese and more start arriving in March
We will have poultry available through the spring!

Please see our page on "Baby Poultry Care" on our website at We have everything you need to take care of them at home.

You can call an reserve any that you see on the list! Please call the store listed to reverse the any of these chicks.
You can reserve chicks, ducks, turkeys, guineas, pheasants, quail, geese and more.

For Kiowa Country Corner please call 303-621-2466
For Elizabeth Country Corner please call 303-646-3925.

We had poultry that was winning at the fair last year and hope to see poultry purchase from our stores in the 2011 fair.

The chicks, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail and pheasants have being ordered. If you have already placed your order with us then your poultry has been ordered. We have ordered a lot of babies and we have a lot that are not spoken for! You can call an reserve any that you see on the list! Call Elizabeth Country Corner at 303-646-3925 or Kiowa Country Corner at 303-621-2466. This list is also on our website at

Pullets are female chicks and s/r means Straight Run chicks are not sexed.

The following is the list of what has been ordered, when it will arrive and what store it is being shipped to:

Week of February 18th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner: 303-621-2466
Black Australorps Pullets
Americana Pullets
Silver Lace Wyandottes Pullets
Rhode Island Reds Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Cherry Eggers Pullets
Cuckoo Marans Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner: 303-646-3925
Barred Rock Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Light Brahma Pullets
White Crest Black Polish Pullets
Partridge Cochin Pullets
Silver Spangled Hamburge Pullets

Week of February 24th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Blue Cochin Pullets
Buff Brahma Pullets
Blue Andalusian Pullets
Welsummer Pullets
California Grey Pullets
Sicillian Buttersup Pullets
Silver Laced Cochin Pullets
Barred Cochin Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
White Frizzle Cochins Bantams s/r
Red Frizzle Cochins Bantams s/r
Black Frizzle Cochins Bantams s/r
White Crested Blue Polish s/r
Blue Lace Red Wyandotte Pullets
Buff Cochin Pullets
Partridge Cochin Pullets
Black Minorca Pullets

Week of March 2nd
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Russian Orloff Pullets
Golden Spangled Hamburg Pullets
Buckeye Pullets
Silver Lakenvelder Pullets
Red Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
Black Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
White Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
Belgian Quail Bantams s/r
Blue Silkies Bantams s/r
Cornish Broilers s/r
Aracana Pullets
California White Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Golden Comet Pullets
Dominque Pullets
Turken "Naked Necks" Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets

Week of March 8th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Delware Pullets
Austra White Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Self Blue D'uccle Bantams s/r
Splash Silkie Bantams s/r
Top Hat Special s/r
Red Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
Black Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
White Frizzle Cochin Bantams s/r
Black Langshan s/r
Egyptian Fayourmis Pullets
White Cochin Pullets
Mottle Cochin Bantams s/r
White Jersey Giants Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Aracana Pullets
California White Pullets
Black Sex Link Pullets
Gold Star Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets

Week of March 17th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Aracana Pullets
Leghorn Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Black Australorp s/r
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Black Sex Link Pullets
Gold Star Pullets
Silver Lace Wyandotte Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Cuckoo Marans Pullets
German Spitzhauben s/r
Mille Fleur Bantams s/r
Salmon Faverolle Pullets
Red New Hampshire Pullets
Welsummer Pullets
Dark Brahma Pullets
Light Brahma Pullets
New Hampshire Red Pullets

Week of March 22nd
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Golden Comet Pullets
Partridge Plymouth Rock Pullets
Golden Lace Wyandotte Pullets
Silver Duckwing Bantmas s/r
Dominque Pullets
Blue Silkies Bantams s/r
White Crested Blue Polish s/r
Buff Laced Polish Pullets
Crevecours Pullets
Partridge Rock Pullets
Golden Lace Wyandotte Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Mottle Houdan Pullets
Top Hat Special s/r
Black Silkies Bantams s/r
Red Frizzle Cochins Bantams s/r
Black Frizzle Cochins Bantams s/r
White Crested Blue Polish s/r
White Silkies Bantams s/r
Columbian Wyandotte Pullets
Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Pullets
Giant White Turkeys s/r
Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys s/r

Week of March 31st
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Austra White Pullets
Cherry Egger Pullets
Red Sex Link Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Delaware x New Hampshire Pullets
Welsummer Pullets
Splash Cochin s/r
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Columbian Wyandotte Pullets

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Red Sex Link Pullets
Cherry Eggers Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Austra While Pullets
Barred Plymount Rock Pullets
Delaware Pullets

Week of April 7th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Califronia White Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Aracana Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
White Rock Pullets
Cornish Broilets s/r
Giant White Turkeys s/r
Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys s/r

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Leghorn Pullets
Silver Lace Wyandotte Pullets
White Rock Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Aracana Pullets

Week of April 15th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
BB Red Old English bantam s/r
Black Tailed White Japanese bantam s/r
Porcelain bantam s/r
Red Pyke Old English bantam s/r
Aracana Pullets
California White Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Gold Star Pullets
Black Sex Link Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Silver Lace Wyandotte Pullets
White Embden Geese s/r
Gray Toulouse Geese s/r
African Geese s/r
Tufted Roman Geese s/r

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Red Sex Link Pullets
Delaware x New Hampshire Pullets
Cuckoo Maran Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Golden Lace Wyandotte Pullets
Partridge Rock Pullets

Week of April 21st
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Aracana Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Cherry Egger Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Cuckoo Marans Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Pekin Ducks s/r
Rouen Ducks s/r
Khaki Cambell Ducks s/r
Indian Runner Ducks s/r
Blue Slate Turkeys s/r
Bourbon Red Turkeys S/r
Royal Palm Turkeys s/r
Narragansett Turkeys s/r

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Aracana Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Gold Star Pullets
Black Sex Link Pullets
Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys s/r
Giant White Turkeys s/r
Midget White Turkeys s/r
Am Standard Bronze Turkey s/r
Chocolate Turkey s/r
Swedish Crested Ducks s/r
White Crested Ducks s/r
Cayouga Ducks s/r
Magpie Ducks s/r

Week of April 26th
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Aracana Pullets
White Rock Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Production Red Pullets
Gold Star Pullets
Black Sex Link Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Silver Lace Wyandotte Pullets
Giant White Turkeys s/r
Broad Breasted Bronze Turkeys s/r
Ringneck Pheasants

Chicks Arriving at Elizabeth Country Corner:
Aracana Pullets
California White Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Buff Orphington Pullets
Silver lace Wyandotte Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets

Week of 5/18/11
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Coturnix Quail s/r
Bobwhite Quail s/r

Week of 6/10/11
Chicks Arriving at Kiowa Country Corner:
Assorted Guinesa s/r
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Thanks for the responses on the cockerels, they went to a new home on 10 acres yesterday. I love it when my extra boys find new homes!

Hatched out 2 marans overnight and one of them is blue. Hopefully more to hatch today.

Still have the Light Sussex/Coronations left though, someone was supposed to pick them up last night but he never showed up.
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