
No rain here, I don't think we will EVER get rain again
Here are a few pictures of my ducks, goose and one of my chickens. If anyone has any sexing guesses on the ducks please speak up! I think 3 of them are girls by the sound of the quacks and I am 100% sure the black and white magpie is a boy, but I am just not sure on the others.




There are much bigger pictures on my blog but I don't know if I can post the link here or not....
Horrible wind here last night. What is rain? We haven't had it in so long I think I forgot!!! Neighbor told me today that we have only gotten 1 1/2 inches this whole year! We have fire ban here. No outside smoking, no bbq grills except propane, no campfires and no fireworks! Boo
It's not gonna be as much fun this 4th.

Do you still have your BCM roos? Would you be willing to separate them? Are you near Denver? (I need a not-too-loud roo.) I'd like to make chicks (eventually) with 1 NH, 1 Plymouth Rock, 2 EEs. They are 9 weeks old. Do you think one of yours would fit in?
We are in Littleton, CO. We have 3 full grown girls - New Hampshire Red, an Araucauna, and a Partridge Rock. 5 chicks - 1 Australorp, 1 Speckled Sussex, 3 Golden-Laced Cochin Bantams.

One of our bantams is a rooster, and he needs a new home. I can't figure out how to post a pic, so he is in my profile pic. He is 3 months, and super beautiful. Golden-Laced Cochin.
Free to a good home, Denver metro area.
I have a pair of Marans that I'd like to offer for sale. The rooster is Black Copper and the hen Blue Copper.
I can deliver along the 1/70 corridor (or to Denver) in about 10 days.
Please PM if interested!

Hi Rosemary!
Are you all thawed out yet? How's the melting going?

jhaley! I started to PM you about your GL bantam Cochin roo earlier, and then I slapped myself - I just CAN'T take on another roo right now. But I would love to see pics of your GL's if you can post them.

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