Colour sexing


In the Brooder
Nov 8, 2024
Hey everyone!
I know with black copper marans you can sex them from day one due to colour difference. Are there any other breeds that can be sexed in the same way with colour?
BC marans aren't autosexing or sexualy dimorphic as chicks to my knowledge.
Most barred breeds are such as cream legbar, belifelder, Barred Plymouth Rock, Cuckoo Marans can be sexed early via headspot or down color. Sex link birds can be sexed at hatch, for example, crossing an certain color with another color.
BC marans aren't autosexing or sexualy dimorphic as chicks to my knowledge.
Most barred breeds are such as cream legbar, belifelder, Barred Plymouth Rock, Cuckoo Marans can be sexed early via headspot or down color. Sex link birds can be sexed at hatch, for example, crossing an certain color with another color.
When we bought our copper maran they told us that the male and female looks completely different so to get a female is 100% with what we asked.
Thank you for your reply. I will have to google some of the terms that you have used because this is very new to me.
When we bought our copper maran they told us that the male and female looks completely different so to get a female is 100% with what we asked.
Thank you for your reply. I will have to google some of the terms that you have used because this is very new to me.
Unless they're crossing Cuckoo Marans with the BC marans, they lied to you.
When we bought our copper maran they told us that the male and female looks completely different so to get a female is 100% with what we asked.
Thank you for your reply. I will have to google some of the terms that you have used because this is very new to me.
Black Copper Marans aren't Color sexable at all. They're Red Birchen, which is a form of extension of black.

Some that can be sexed at hatch are: Cuckoo Marans, Barred Rocks, Red Sex-links, Black Sex-links(Layer Hybrids), Welsummer, Other Gold, Red, or Silver Duckwing, & other Duckwing colored breed varieties.

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