Concerned for lethargic senior aged bird.

Well. I brought her in to my garage to do a full exam and she perked up immediately. Full posture, alert, healthy poop and normal appetite. I'm thinking her lethargy must be related to heat stress. I also examined her feet too to see what the cause for her limp is and there just isn't anything wrong at all. I checked every crevice and all the way up her legs and nothing seems to be wrong at all. Can't even tell she had the bumble foot. Anyone have an idea why she'd still be limping?
Limp can be due to arthritis.
I wonder if she's being picked on by someone in the flock, and that is why she is acting different. Trying to be invisible and not noticed. Some observing might answer that. Not sure about the limp. Can you post pictures of the foot/leg in question, bottom, top, side?
I wonder if she's being picked on by someone in the flock, and that is why she is acting different. Trying to be invisible and not noticed. Some observing might answer that. Not sure about the limp. Can you post pictures of the foot/leg in question, bottom, top, side?
She still picks on the younger birds herself and the only real bully in my flock doesn’t mess with her. I do watch them a lot and from what I can tell she isn’t bothered. I’ll get pictures of her feet. I’ll get pics of her feet before the end of the day
Check for a sore joint, & whether it moves smoothly, or not. Some arthritic joints may click abit.
Any specific joints more prone to it?
She still picks on the younger birds herself and the only real bully in my flock doesn’t mess with her. I do watch them a lot and from what I can tell she isn’t bothered. I’ll get pictures of her feet. I’ll get pics of her feet before the end of the day

Any specific joints more prone to it?
Toes, Ankles(Hocks), & Knees.
Thought I should add that the limp is present only in her walking gate. Not while running and she doesn’t seem to favor standing on one foot more than another.
Sprains and strains are not uncommon, they can tweak things by landing wrong jumping down from roosts, etc. If she's getting around OK, eating and drinking normally, droppings are normal, not getting picked on, I would just give her some time to see if it gets better (or worse).

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