Conservation of Brown Red Japanese Bantam

I’ve got the brown red hen in with her father. I’m pretty sure she has started laying. Hopefully we get some F2 babies this year! I’ll try to get some pics.
I finally got an egg out of the hen the other day. I almost gave up on her this breeding season. So far I have two eggs. Ive been collecting different eggs (Millie Fleur Duccle, Brown Red Mottle Duccle, WBT jap, buff silkie, OEGB project, Millie Fleur booted bantam, and buff brahma bantam) for the past week. I was going to stick these eggs under my broody buff laced polish and polish Nn cross but after moving them to a broody coop last night they wouldnt set so Ive go my 56 egg bator running. Hopefully tomarrow Ill have the temp right and can set the little eggies! Fingers crossed Ill get a nice little pair hatch :fl
Ive got 6 brown red jap eggs in the incubator. Today is day 7 for all but a couple. 1 had a blood ring, that chick may of had the creeper gene. Anther egg looks like it may not develope at all but I left it in just incase (its a little younger than the other eggs). The other 4 look nice and health.
Ive got 6 brown red jap eggs in the incubator. Today is day 7 for all but a couple. 1 had a blood ring, that chick may of had the creeper gene. Anther egg looks like it may not develope at all but I left it in just incase (its a little younger than the other eggs). The other 4 look nice and health.
Wish you luck with!

Little update on my chick, presumed brown-red.. she turned out quite nicely.
I candled the eggs today (day 17-18) and lost 34 eggs, includeing 4 of the brown red japs, one is left so hopefully it will make it to hatch, but Im not crossing my fingers. My incubator has been wonky. I put a small amunt of water in when its at 30% and it shoots it up to 60% and the humidity wont stay consistant. I would rebreed everyone but I really dont want to hatch chicks in November and have to brood them in the house for 2 months and worry they'll die outside bc it still gets into the negives at night. Been there done that, and the chicks come out unhealthy and not as nice. Hopefully I can start breeding season eary in Feb (really depends on Missouris weather, Missouri is very bipolar when it come to weather) and get the chicks I want to hold back befor Oct.

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