Consolidated Kansas

The mystery of the missing chick. Aaaand, this month's chicken drama at my house continues!

We seemed to have lost my son's Golden-Laced Blue Brahma that he got from Danz overnight. I counted and re-counted the chickens last night after the coop was locked, and personally put the seemingly-vanished chick on the roost myself. This morning when my son went out to open the pop door and do the morning check, it was gone.

We spent 2 hours out in the silo coop tearing it up and checking and re-checking for our missing baby. We didn't find it.

My hens still aren't laying, so I started some vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics in their water yesterday just in case there's something going on with their health. I did notice one of the girls coughing this morning while we were out there.

I'm hoping our baby Brahma turns up, but after spending 2 hours out there with no indications of where it went or how, I'm a little skeptical.
OH NO!!! Not that one. I would kept that bird if I weren't such a sucker for kids. Sure hope you find it.
Originally Posted by LavrisChica
I'm not sure of the fragile issues being resolved in the Isbars. It depends on where you read. I agree with Trish in that some of these imports don't have a resistance built up to the American diseases that local birds have. Only those who have been bred from birds who survived onsets of American viruses will cope well with them. It's a time thing. The longer they are in the U.S. the heartier they will get.
Both are slim breeds which fly well. Keep that in mind when building a pen for them.
I'm only mentioning this because I learned over time what you need for what type of bird.
Wow I missed 247 posts while I was gone!

We went on vacation to VA and on the way home via I40 in Okemah we were hit by a Semi. Lucky for us our '85 Chevy conversion van was made by Steel Workers LOL and although totaled we survived. We weren't even aware of what happened until it was over, loud noise and then lots of people asking questions. All three of my boys were with us, ages 10, 7, and 3 and sustained only a few cuts and abrasions thanks to their seatbelts! My MIL was the worst off, she had taken off her seat belt and thrown herself over the youngest who was beside her. She cracked two ribs and collapsed a vertebra; her only thought was how she could protect all three boys. My boys are now convinced Grandma is a Super-hero and saved all three of them!
My husband broke two metacarpals in his right hand (of course dominate) and had the first surgery last week to repair them. He is a Service Tech, HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical, so he is off the job for quite some time. I was driving and sustained a concussion which is finally to the point where I can look a screen for more than a couple mins at a time.
We are all just glad that we are okay, unfortunately the Semi kept going and our insurance has been unable to find him.

Other than that I have brought my chicken numbers down a bit before my Scots Dumpy/English Orpington order comes in in a week or so. I just had the testing done on the flock this morning for NPIP certification and should recieve that in a week or two as well! Our hawks moved off when the easy meals ceased so that is one less worry. Now I have to move some birds, and plan to put the new order in with a broody in a secure pen. Might as well let her do the work LOL!

I couldn't read through all of the posts and sure hope that everyone is doing well!
I had heard you were in a wreck, TaraBellaBirds. So sorry but so glad that you are all at least repairable. Just a major reminder that life is too short and how you must be thankful for every minute.
Made it through the heat ok. Hoping everyone is doing well out there. I am in the middle of my first hatch day. My broody splash marans even hatched an egg 2 days ago before my eggs were due to hatch just to beat me to the punch(what a sneak)! When i went to check on the flock I found that an extra bantam hen joins my flock for days only. And this evening I saw that she is roosting in a tree very close to my coop (she seems too smart and stealthy to be a normal chicken to me). Its those kooky days of summer I guess. I have skunks that steal the bread by rolling it away like circus bears even in broad daylight and buff orpingtons who are so mellow that they think skunks are cuddly pillows. I wont name the bug that starts with "M" and rhymes with "burrito" but I was so covered in bites that I probably should have just been a husk.

Anyone within reasonable driving distance of Kansas City or Lawrence have a dozen lavender orpington hatching eggs that I could purchase? sorry for asking here i just prefer to transact local :D
TaraBellaBirds, I am glad y'all are okay. Grandma IS a real super hero in my book, too. I hope they find the semi.

Danz, how are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor? I am asking, because last summer around this exact time, I was dealing with pneumonia. In fact, all of my kids had it last summer, as well. It started with my oldest daughter in June, passing through all of the other kids and myself, before ending with my youngest son in August. It was miserable having pneumonia pass through the household during the summer. We all had to have high-powered antibiotics and breathing treatments. We treated the miserable symptoms and discomfort with a blend of essential oils that opened our airways and relieved our coughing enough we could at least sleep comfortably.

So I think I've come to the only logical conclusion I can about the missing chick. I think it had to have been either a hawk or owl. The plexiglas that was covering one of the silo openings (the one below the inside "roof") blew out during one of the recent storms. I guess an owl or hawk could perch there, pick its prey, plan its attack, and get its meal pretty easily. My husband is gone, so I have no way of covering the window until he gets back. I am just praying we have no more losses until he comes home from his work trip. There was no evidence of a struggle, and nothing left behind. I wondered about a snake, but I think we would have run into the snake while turning the coop upside down trying to find the little chick. I doubt a snake would have been able to eat a chick that size and be slim enough to get out of the coop by the time we got there to search for the chick.
TaraBella I'm glad you're back & everyone is OK. I had seen your posts about the accident on FB, what a traumatic event, geez. What a jerk that driver was to just keep on going like that. My son was in an accident recently as well & had his car totaled by a guy who wasn't supposed to even be driving. This was in OKC as well, the drivers there are insane, I hear about it all the time. The baby was in the car with him when this guy kept running into his car & he hit it over & over again. It has really messed up my son's back & he may have to have back surgery to fix it. At least he didn't get hit by a semi but still was injured by someone who should have never been driving a car.

This heat is really hard to take now that it's here. I'm having a really hard time dealing with it & getting the birds & animals cared for.
@chicken danz
I will definitely keep all that in mind!!!

My flock free-ranges a fenced area of about 3-4 acres worth. I have some chickens that have proven avid flyers and would go over any small enclosure; yet, with the larger area, they don't seem so interested in going over the perimeter fence. I hope that continues! lol Their coop and runs are completely enclosed, so no issues there.

What about trimming wings? Thoughts?

Nice to meet you! Praying for healing for all parties directly and indirectly involved!!!

@Grain Gypsy
well, dadnabit, that darn 'ol owl (or whatever)! That has to be such a bummer!! Sorry!!!

@coleco (et al)
Them pesky skeeters!!! I have found a natural recipe that works very well with them, as well as biting flies, and chiggers.

In a spray bottle (I use 16oz):
1/2 C apple cider vinegar
a few Tablespoons of lemon juice
a few Tablespoons of rubbing alcohol
a few teaspoons of vegetable oil
50 drops each of (oils):
tea tree
then fill the rest of the bottle with distilled water

To me, its an interesting fragrance for sure yet not smelly. My DH, however, says it stinks. LOL Shrug.

Could boil dry herbs if not wanting to use oils, and eliminate the veggie oil if that's the case. I carry the spray bottle around with me and reapply every 3-4 hours or as necessary.

I also use the same recipe minus the water and only minute bits of vinegar and lemon juice, add a tad of vanilla, and this makes an exceptional oil to drench the dogs ears in and wipe down their nose and around their neck.

I also take garlic pills daily and my dogs do, too. Gives your skin a flavor and odor only insects smell and do not like. Start this around Feb/Mar to get a decent build up in your system by biting weather and continue until the insects go dormant.

I am allergic to biting/stinging insects (big time) and get really ill if bitten too many times. I also prefer natural. So, I had to come up with something that worked for me. Maybe it will for you, too!

I am so enjoying the stories of your peas!
Once upon a time, a long time ago, on a distant secluded mountaintop near the California coast, I lived in a one-room shanty-cabin, with no running water or electricity, etc. Just myself and my two youngest children who were not yet walking at the time. Luckily, the wildlife and gorgeous nature that surrounded me, kept me sane. LMBO Among the deer, racoon, and cougars - oddly enough- lived a large flock of wild peafowl, and everyone seemed to live in harmony. Shrug. I absolutely fell in love with the peas and have desired to raise them ever since. I've been working on convincing DH that they are not annoying noisy creatures. He grew up on a farm, next to a farm, who raised peas, and they were, according to him, annoying and constantly noisy. We did discuss the abnormality of them being that way, and may have been due to stress. He quickly agreed, telling me a ridiculously creepy story about the seemingly deranged hermit that lived on that farm. Idea planted: check! DH processing new info: check! It's only a matter of time. Enter maniacal laughter. WINK! His segway? He wants to raise quail. May be my bargaining chip right there! he he he

This morning I concluded that the two toddler duck hens, whisper-quack instead of blurt-quack. Sigh. SMH. I obviously vented incorrectly - AGAIN! It wasn't too long ago that the now-teen hens, I vented as drakes. I can live with that error; however, to be so wrong yet again? Shrug. Oh well, I DID vent ONE correctly! The newest addition, another duckling, arrived yesterday. Adorable as ever! I TRIED venting. Ahem. I am just unsure at this point, second-guessing my venting "skills" HA!

Found baby duckling with his head about pecked off this morning, and his eye swollen shut! Immediately removed him and began doctoring. I've separated him so he can heal. Poor thing!! I've not had issues before with keeping birds the same age (within 2-3 days) of each other. Usually I've experienced bonding, not bullying. UGH.

I am confused about one of my four Blue Polish chicks. They're about 4 weeks old now. Feathered. Color showing on their faces. Top hairdo forming. Two, I am positive are indeed Roos: messy chaotic hairdos and bright red wattles (Albert Einstein and Billy Idol). One, I've positively identified as a hen: perfectly rounded hairdo and no red/pink on face whatsoever (Astrid). Now #3 - crazy hair (to a degree) and pink wattles.

Eh? Petra or Kramer??

What about trimming wings? Thoughts?
I have problem with trimming wings on free rangers. Mostly because it disables them from escaping predators. If the area they are in is big enough they shouldn't want to leave, assuming it isn't full sun and there's trees right outside the fence. And if you shut them up securely at night there shouldn't be a problem. As a breeder I have to make special provisions for flighty birds so I don't end up with mixed breeds.
Anyone within reasonable driving distance of Kansas City or Lawrence have a dozen lavender orpington hatching eggs that I could purchase? sorry for asking here i just prefer to transact local :D
I don't have any collected but I could gather a dozen for you. They would be 100% English.
TaraBellaBirds, I am glad y'all are okay. Grandma IS a real super hero in my book, too. I hope they find the semi.

Danz, how are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor? I am asking, because last summer around this exact time, I was dealing with pneumonia. In fact, all of my kids had it last summer, as well. It started with my oldest daughter in June, passing through all of the other kids and myself, before ending with my youngest son in August. It was miserable having pneumonia pass through the household during the summer. We all had to have high-powered antibiotics and breathing treatments. We treated the miserable symptoms and discomfort with a blend of essential oils that opened our airways and relieved our coughing enough we could at least sleep comfortably.

So I think I've come to the only logical conclusion I can about the missing chick. I think it had to have been either a hawk or owl. The plexiglas that was covering one of the silo openings (the one below the inside "roof") blew out during one of the recent storms. I guess an owl or hawk could perch there, pick its prey, plan its attack, and get its meal pretty easily. My husband is gone, so I have no way of covering the window until he gets back. I am just praying we have no more losses until he comes home from his work trip. There was no evidence of a struggle, and nothing left behind. I wondered about a snake, but I think we would have run into the snake while turning the coop upside down trying to find the little chick. I doubt a snake would have been able to eat a chick that size and be slim enough to get out of the coop by the time we got there to search for the chick.
If it was an owl it will be back for more dinner. And hawk probably would be too. A hawk will hunt by day and an owl by night.
I did go to the doctor today and as I already knew, I have a severe case of bronchitis. At least I got a prescription and hopefully will start feeling better in a few days. I am really tired of getting up in the wee hours of the morning cause I can't quit coughing long enough to sleep. I do fairly good in the day time.
The heat is taking it out of me. I need to be doing so much but I can't handle this high humidity. Heat really is a good thing but combined with humidity its just miserable.
So sorry about the chick. That really sucks.
Hey I need help!

My weld unmet all have this large white spot. They are 5 months. I hope it's no big deal. Sorry this is a reply, I didn't know how to post a new one.

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