Consolidated Kansas

Hey I need help!

My weld unmet all have this large white spot. They are 5 months. I hope it's no big deal. Sorry this is a reply, I didn't know how to post a new one.
Is that supposed to be one of your wellsummer pullets? If so it is crossbred and also that is a rooster, not a pullet. Maybe you could post pictures of your others. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Is that supposed to be one of your wellsummer pullets? If so it is crossbred and also that is a rooster, not a pullet. Maybe you could post pictures of your others. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Interesting..... I bought them from a local raiser who said he ordered them as pullets from cackle....if this is a rooster, all four are
.....anyone need a grass fed rooster or four?
Interesting..... I bought them from a local raiser who said he ordered them as pullets from cackle....if this is a rooster, all four are
.....anyone need a grass fed rooster or four?
OK, so first, if they all look like this one, yup. They are not Welsumers. They are probably brown leghorns or crosses. Welsumer and Leghorn hens do have fairly large combs, though, so they may not all be roosters. If pullets, they will lay white eggs (the white ears), probably, though with crosses anything can happen.

If you scroll down, there are some great pictures of them as adults. Gorgeous birds.
OK, so first, if they all look like this one, yup.  They are not Welsumers.  They are probably brown leghorns or crosses.  Welsumer and Leghorn hens do have fairly large combs, though, so they may not all be roosters.  If pullets, they will lay white eggs (the white ears), probably, though with crosses anything can happen.

If you scroll down, there are some great pictures of them as adults.  Gorgeous birds.

Thanks everyone for the help. Will I just need to watch the to be able to tell if they are Roos or hens? One of the "girls" has dabbled a bit in crowing, but could it be that they are hens? Based on the pictures I saw in that link they look like females.
@Kansas Cluckers take a picture of them so we can see the whole body, particular standing where the back end is apparent. The closer up you can make it the easier it is to tell. They could be leghorns and be female. I never even thought about brown leghorns cause they often develop a floppy comb due to the fact it is so large.
I really hate it when people sell things that are misrepresented. In this case maybe the seller ordered both and got confused on what chicks were what. I remember my first batch of mixed birds I got from a hatchery took me a long time to even identify the breeds. I was pretty much a novice back then.
I'd wait for crowing or eggs. Roosters' colors are quite a bit different than hens'. How old are they? You probably said, but I can't find it.
That's awesome. Thanks for all the info everyone. One has a flopped comb already. They are almost 6 months, we are getting excited
. They all have fairly small, none colorful fairly horizontal tails. I'll see if I can get a good pic.
Hi, everyone. Officially I live in Missouri but I'm subscribing to this thread as a wannabe Kansan. A few days ago I started looking for a place in the Flint Hills region of Kansas and hope to move within the next year or two. Fingers crossed! Places out that way seem hard to come by.

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