Consolidated Kansas


GREETINGS amenning! Welcome to the flock.

I'm a new bird too. Looking forward to your contributions.

There's a wealth of information here!
I went to TSC yesterday before I went to work. I thought I'd pick up a couple of things for my coop and such.

The first thing I heard when I passed through the doors were loud chirping noises. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my eyes began darting back and forth like a man obsessed seeking out the source. I realized then, that these were early signs of CHICK FEVER!

It wasn't long before I discovered SIX livestock tanks filled with these little critters.


It took great strength and will power to leave without buying a box full of those fluffy beasts.
Ha ha, Just reading this first line I thought the pic was of what you got when you went in for a couple of things for your coop!
Got a little ahead of myself, but got a good chuckle too. I've heard of it happening plenty of times. Someone goes in for feed and comes out with a box or two of chicks. Good for you for resisting temptation! I may not come out so well if our Orschlen gets in the ducks I want.

What part of Kansas are you from? I'm clear up in the northeast corner, but I grew up near Salina.

I live in Salina!!!!

What part of Kansas are you from? I'm clear up in the northeast corner, but I grew up near Salina.

I live in Salina!!!!

Yea this is my DD who decided that when I got my new fluffy butts to fall in love with 3 bantams so now she is a crazy chicken lady also.
All 7 chicks are doing well and getting big, We will be working on getting our new run built as soon as this weather quits jumping all over the place.
Would you mind posting the recipe for the mite bath for our birds. I remember only of the cayanne pepper. My Son and I butchered a broiler yesterday and noticed it had two mites that we could see. I assume these are avian louse?

Anyhow just wanted to help rid them of these nasty F#*¤er's


You will never be able to overcome the power of fuzzy butts again!

OzawkieBantams — I think I've developed a new addiction.

While on the subject of mites, have you tried using food grade diatomaceous earth? I've read a lot about the overall good effects on keeping down flies and other exoskeleton pests here on BYC. I'm no expert by any means, just wondering if this stuff really works?​
OzawkieBantams — I think I've developed a new addiction.

While on the subject of mites, have you tried using food grade diatomaceous earth? I've read a lot about the overall good effects on keeping down flies and other exoskeleton pests here on BYC. I'm no expert by any means, just wondering if this stuff really works?

I have heard about it, but if remember correctly it's pretty pricy. Renee has a recipe that was or seemed to be much cheaper and more effective

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