Consolidated Kansas

Josie, this little Cochin was from the bantam bin at Orschelens.... Discounted to 99cents. Maybe that is why it is confusing:) I am fine with it never laying an egg as long as it doesn't crow all day :) Just don't want to get rid if it if it isn't going to crow :)

It did sprout that comb fairly early, but it hasn't grown in a month. Just reddened. I babied it a lot when it was in the brooder. It was so tiny and cute. All the pullets we gave that extra attention too when they were so tiny are all eager to be held. So....? Again confusing. It doesn't do any of the things the other 3 Roos we had did. They chased the other birds all over.... They honestly all seem to get along really well, with only an occasional peck to clear space to look for scratch or get closer to the yogurt :)
Naughty Lucie, but thank you for sharing the photo. Our dogs found a deer leg overnight and Sammie and Tory were taking turns with it. Not exactly sharing nicely, but no fights either. As soon as one got up to take a break, the other would snag it and have a turn. It looked pretty fresh - I don't know where they found it.
My dog has been running away with the ducks' food bowl(s). I think he's even been helping them eat their food, even though he's got plenty of his own. I've got a growing gosling that I've been trying to feed, so the dog helping them eat their food means that the gosling doesn't get her share.
Any ideas on what I could do to stop this behavior?

Also, my ducks have been "free ranging", which seems to just mean that they hang out underneath a tree outside of their pen. Is this because of the heat? Will they free range more once it cools down? I tried to move them to the yard where there's more grass/bugs for them to eat and no trees, and they turned tail and ran back to "their tree" as soon as I stopped watching them. They're gonna kill what little grass is in the yard if they don't move around the yard a little more!
The ducks are going to seek shade. They would run more in the evening and morning when it isn't so hot. I can't say I blame them much.
I just got through trashing two bucket fulls of eggs. Probably around 20 dozen. WHy? Because in this heat they are starting to develop the minute they are laid. I can't afford to sell them to my customers.
I guess I'll just hope they lay good the next couple of days so I can fill my orders. Maybe if I gather them twice a day they will be okay. Even last summer I didn't have this problem with eggs. It makes me sick to crack an egg and see blood. I feel like a murderess. Anyway the chickens are having a big bunch of eggs this afternoon for a snack. I guess that saves me some chicken feed.
I need to get back out there. I'm having to work and then come in for a few minutes then go back out again.
c'est le miserables!
love all the pictures and i think I'm getting the silkie bug also they are so cute Josie i love the picture of the Silkie/cochin pullets i think they are super cute my son says "Mom i hope your not thinking about getting those kind of chickens they look like mini Sasquatches"

its another hot day when does it start to cool down here in kansas?
love all the pictures and i think I'm getting the silkie bug also they are so cute Josie i love the picture of the Silkie/cochin pullets i think they are super cute my son says "Mom i hope your not thinking about getting those kind of chickens they look like mini Sasquatches"

its another hot day when does it start to cool down here in kansas?

September. We can still get some pretty hot days then but the worst is over and October is simply glorious. Last year we broke records, with more than 50 days of triple digits. Even then, I don't remember many (any?) of them being in June whereas this year we had several in June and it was downright hot for at least half of that month. So it makes me wonder if we're not going to break our record again this year. Especially when I look at the forecast and it is triple digits as far as the eye can see....

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