

May 8, 2024
I recently lost a Cornish cross to Rales, and was wondering if it is contagious? I put it ( when it was alive)in the cage with 2 of my cuckoo Maran chicks, which are acting fine. It died the same night I put it in with the Marans:confused:
Sorry for your loss.

How long ago did the CX die?

Rales could be from number of things, but it's a good idea to just monitor the other chicks for any symptoms that are worrisome.
It died about a week ago, I would've written about it sooner, but my account was acting up, so I had to wait till now.
No signs whatsoever, they are acting fine. They are eating, drinking, and pooping just fine.
Sounds good!

I would still keep an eye on them for a few days more, but if it's been this long with not showing any symptoms - I'd say they are likely fine.

The bird you lost was a CX and sometimes they are not very hardy. Having rales may have just been a symptom of actively dying and not respiratory illness.

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