

May 8, 2024
Sandpoint, Idaho
I recently lost a Cornish cross to Rales, and was wondering if it is contagious? I put it ( when it was alive)in the cage with 2 of my cuckoo Maran chicks, which are acting fine. It died the same night I put it in with the Marans:confused:
Sorry for your loss.

How long ago did the CX die?

Rales could be from number of things, but it's a good idea to just monitor the other chicks for any symptoms that are worrisome.
No signs whatsoever, they are acting fine. They are eating, drinking, and pooping just fine.
Sounds good!

I would still keep an eye on them for a few days more, but if it's been this long with not showing any symptoms - I'd say they are likely fine.

The bird you lost was a CX and sometimes they are not very hardy. Having rales may have just been a symptom of actively dying and not respiratory illness.

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