Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Rona Smelling GIF

me during covid
Rona Smelling GIF

me during covid
Me too. DH got the flu during covid and I strategically placed hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and disinfecting spray around the house with little notes on them that said "use me". I still had to go behind him and do it. Fortunately I didn't get sick that time around. When we both got covid it was because his family came up for Christmas and his nephew was sick. Little dude coughed on everything and everyone.
Me too. DH got the flu during covid and I strategically placed hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and disinfecting spray around the house with little notes on them that said "use me". I still had to go behind him and do it. Fortunately I didn't get sick that time around. When we both got covid it was because his family came up for Christmas and his nephew was sick. Little dude coughed on everything and everyone.
My brother came by this summer and I talked to him outside.
Me too. DH got the flu during covid and I strategically placed hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes and disinfecting spray around the house with little notes on them that said "use me". I still had to go behind him and do it. Fortunately I didn't get sick that time around. When we both got covid it was because his family came up for Christmas and his nephew was sick. Little dude coughed on everything and everyone.
Oh geez!!!! Sounds like my cousins who say they aren't sick but then I go over their house and somehow I get sick right afterward lol. Somehow idk why but the flu was worse than covid for me....But worst part about covid was definitely losing the taste and smell for months...That was so so weird.
There's someone at work who sprays the hallways with Lysol every morning. It makes me choke, and I wish they'd stop doing it.
The HALLWAYS???!! Wait why the hallways and not actual physical surfaces though? Yeah lysol is strong stuff. Definitely not something you should be breathing in every week. Maybe you should put a note on the door to your work saying something like, "whoever's spraying lysol, it burns my lungs so can you please stop" or something like that lol. I'm not that good at phrasing stuff as you can tell......:lau
The HALLWAYS???!! Wait why the hallways and not actual physical surfaces though? Yeah lysol is strong stuff. Definitely not something you should be breathing in every week. Maybe you should put a note on the door to your work saying something like, "whoever's spraying lysol, it burns my lungs so can you please stop" or something like that lol. I'm not that good at phrasing stuff as you can tell......:lau
If I could catch them at it I would politely ask them to stop. Seriously.

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