could a black sexlinks roster.....


10 Years
Oct 8, 2009
Monroe, North Carolina
could a black sex links rooster fertilize a rhode island red egg? if so would this result in a rhode island red chick? or a mix? im new at ths stuff
Yes, give the chance, it is possible for any rooster to mate with any hen, and fertilize her eggs. Breeds don't matter. Even size doesn't really matter, bantam can mate with large birds.

You won't end up with a true RIR. From what I know, a black sex link is a RIR or NHR roo and a Barred Rock hen. So, any offspring would be three-quarters or one-half RIR, depending on the father.
I also think this is one of the crosses that will produce a red or buff barred some call the Rhodbar. I had asked earlier on about producing buff barreds and tadkerson chimed in about the rhodebar. I'll go find the thread and post a picture and the thread site here later.

I think you would have to know that a RIR was used to make the sexlink roo. Mine are half buff Orpington not reds.

Do half RIR sexlinks have yellow legs?? You can't tell that mine were half buff, except they have kinda freakish, pink/flesh colored legs instead of yellow or grey.
I think you would have to know that a RIR was used to make the sexlink roo. Mine are half buff Orpington not reds.

Do half RIR sexlinks have yellow legs?? You can't tell that mine were half buff, except they have kinda freakish, pink/flesh colored legs instead of yellow or grey.

The way I understood it the barring dillutes them and I don't think it would matter if they were half buff or red because of this they just half to have one barring allel instead of two like a pure barred has. The BO should make more of a buff barred the red makes the Rhodebar and the BSL male over a NH makes a Hampbar which is lighter in red than the Rhodebar.

The Black sex-links that I have had and have seen pictured from the RedxBarred can have yellow/ gray overlay, almost slate gray and have seen some mostly yellow. Your's being half white legged from the BO parent (white legs are dominant over yellow) is why you see the pinkinsh/flesh color standing out more and that's a good sign the reddish color in the yellow legs on RIR's in a desirable trait in breeding.

I'm going to find the thread where we talked about this cross and will post it here, shortly.

Here's the thread about crossing a BSL onto a RIR by tadkerson and its DEEEp so get readyfor a brainache!

a pic of a buff barred that i'm going to try for this spring.

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I was looking at photos of some chickens and when i got to the Black Jersey Giant it looked like my large black male... so is it possible that i dont have a sex links? because He is a Big chicken, with a greenish sheen.. in that case what would the chicks be if he was a jersey giant? the same or no?

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