Counting your chickens

I have 3, kinda sad in comparison... 🤣
4 is the legal limit where I live. (We want to add another, but our current ones are not super chill with other birds, and it is hard to integrate just one.)
Eh, we all have different flocks for different reasons. If it works for you, and your chickens are happy, then it's all good. 😁
I have between 30-35 chickens, including 2 definite and 2 maybe roosters. (I gotta say, it's hard to get a good count of moving chickens). I plan on selling the Lavender Orpingtons before winter because they are the ones struggling most in this weather -- I won't be going forward with them next year. I would like to go into winter with 20-25 chickens. I'll probably lose at least one over the winter to mystery death and a couple to predators (hawk migration season). The goal is to have 18 hens and 2 roos to start 2024. And hope feed prices don't go much higher.
What numbers are you planning to over winter and how do you plan for next year?
My plan was to have 15 (up from 13), somehow chicken math happened and I will have about 25, including my one Roo, Mr P.

Oh, wait, no that’s wrong, it will be 29 I think, or 30..? Nope yep 29….

Henny Penny
And Mr P my fabulously perfect Roo

Is that 29? 😆😆😆😆
We have 39 girls now but plan on only keeping about 20 of them. All of this years chick's, 1 that is a big Buff and still lays extra jumbo eggs, and if last years chick's. It's hard though, we just moved and planned on culling the older ladies before the move but just couldn't do it. As of now they a the tick and bug control but reality says feeding the non producers during winter isn't a smart move. Haven't ever had to cull a flock, either they died naturally of became fox food. 😕
Where we are now selling off the eggs doesn't seem to be something we'll be able to do as easily as our previous home so I believe just reducing the flock to have enough eggs for us will be our goal.
Migrated into your cart? I haven't heard that one yet, lol. Silkies are great birds around younger kids (though I can't say the same on the roosters). They're super friendly and some people train them to ride in stollars, if your granddaughter is into that. Easter Eggers (hatchery named Ameruacana) are the ones who'll give those eggs. From my experience so far, I've seen my Whiting True Blues be friendlier than my EEs, if you're looking for the friendlier out of the two. (Disclaimer: I have heard varying reports about the WTB's friendliness, so there might be different strains. Mine was bred for the beard, if that has anything to do with it. )
I have had several Silkie Roos that were “unpleasant” so they became soup. I’m not tolerant of intolerant roosters. I’ve got two “good” Silkie roosters now.
I’ve got a dozen or so gals that are laying green or blue eggs and have them segregated with same breed roosters (plan to move some roosters to different coops or soup pot as I have too many boys for the number of girls).
My two main roosters - one Bielefelder and one Barred Rock - are trying to teach the other youngsters manners and are more effective than I’ll ever be! Hoping to get down to 10 good roosters, 80ish hens, 12 Silkies and 3 ducks. Maybe less. ***Disclaimer: Subject to chicken math. ***

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