Crazy eyes

I checked her head , ears , beak ,mouth only thing is the swelling witch is making her eyes look strange stays calm when messing with her face & head so I’m at a loss. Maybe a sting or a rose thorn? Thanks to everyone.
Hi, separate her from the flock. mine started getting this, one by one. At first I thought it might be an infection, but later it seemed to be that one hen had gone heat crazy and was trying to peck out everybody's eyes while on the roost. Every hen but one got this in at least one eye. I had two who got it in both eyes, they were hard to feed and water as they seemed very depressed with both eyes affected. After I removed the Suspect, one hen recovered, the other went blind. Only once did I see a hen take a jab at her roostmate's eye. She was immediately removed and they all healed up fine except for that one who went blind. The Suspect's eyes were totally fine. WATCH THEM CAREFULLY.
Heat Rage is a thing.
Hi, separate her from the flock. mine started getting this, one by one. At first I thought it might be an infection, but later it seemed to be that one hen had gone heat crazy and was trying to peck out everybody's eyes while on the roost. Every hen but one got this in at least one eye. I had two who got it in both eyes, they were hard to feed and water as they seemed very depressed with both eyes affected. After I removed the Suspect, one hen recovered, the other went blind. Only once did I see a hen take a jab at her roostmate's eye. She was immediately removed and they all healed up fine except for that one who went blind. The Suspect's eyes were totally fine. WATCH THEM CAREFULLY.
Heat Rage is a thing.
Thanks so much this all stared 4 days ago when we had a very hot day something Alaska isnt non for she stayed in the coop the next day and I feed her by hand cuz she can’t look down to eat . Thanks so so much I really hope she comes out of this and sorry for what you went through with your flock
I checked her head , ears , beak ,mouth only thing is the swelling witch is making her eyes look strange stays calm when messing with her face & head so I’m at a loss. Maybe a sting or a rose thorn? Thanks to everyone.
Please get some close up photos of her face an eyes.

General treatment for eye infection is to flush with saline, press out any pus, remove any debris. Apply an eye ointment like Terramycin in the eye.

Yes, dirt may stick to the ointment. This is why you clean/flush the eye and re-apply ointment a couple of times a day.

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