Crossing Black Australorp Rooster x Splash Orpington Hen = All Blue chicks???

I have a chocolate orpington rooster. If I bred him to some ee's, what would they look like?I have a solid white, solid black and some multi colored ones. Would the eggs from the hens be brown or colored like the ee's?
I have a chocolate orpington rooster. If I bred him to some ee's, what would they look like?I have a solid white, solid black and some multi colored ones. Would the eggs from the hens be brown or colored like the ee's?

You're going to get rainbow chicks, a variety of colors in plumage and egg color on the pullets. If your Ee lays blue eggs, her offspring here should lay some shade of green. If momma lays green, the pullets can lay green or brown.
I have a black rooster (which is half blue Orpington and half easter egger)

And a full splash Ameracauna.

Will their babies all be blue?

And how long before old roosters juice is gone and black rooster is in their for sure???
Black birds with buff/orange-tan on the head and neck. The buff could go onto the breast and back of the hens-it depends on the genetics of the blacks.

OLD thread, but maybe I still get an answer as reading this has peaked my curiosity as I contemplate getting a rooster: I've got the BBS chart down, but what if it's a splash rooster over buff orpington hens? Same splash rooster over lavender hens?

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