Crossing Polish colors

Im not sure what you will get.

Here is a close up of the Tolbunt colors:

Here is a full body shot of the color pattern:

That would be kewl! I have 4 crested myself. Golden, Buff, Silver Laced and Mottled Houdan. This would be intersting since I have two roo's (the buff and the silver laced) and two pullets (the golden and mottled houdan). Guess we'd have to wait and see....after all they are only 3 months old on the 30th of this month.
Are you still a member on this forum? If so, did you do this cross?

I have two purbred Polish--a White Crested Black and a Buff Laced hen. What colors can I expect if I bred the two? I'm hoping for some Tolblunts.

Just checking interresting older threads?

You should get Black..
I think in order to get Tolblunts you would have to add the mottling gene some where in there.

you'll most likely get a mostly black chicken...or a mostly white chicken I suppose. I haven't crossed buff lace to wc black but gold lace to wc black yields mostly black birds, as does silver lace to black. you won't be getting tollbunts, that's for sure.

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