Crowless rooster or late bloomer?


7 Years
Jan 27, 2017
North Ga
Americana rooster almost 7 months old, raised from chick. I don't have any other roos. He's never once crowed but protects and breeds his 14 hens. Coops close enough to house we would definitely hear it if it happened.

I bought all pullets because I don't like the noise but ended up with one turning out to be a roo, did I just get lucky or think it's a late bloomer?


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Americana rooster almost 7 months old, raised from chick. I don't have any other roos. He's never once crowed but protects and breeds his 14 hens. Coops close enough to house we would definitely hear it if it happened.

I bought all pullets because I don't like the noise but ended up with one turning out to be a roo, did I just get lucky or think it's a late bloomer?
If he's mating he's bloomed. You may have just lucked out that your Easter Egger cockerel is on the quiet side.
Could he be crowing pre-dawn and you just don't hear him in the house? I can't hear my roosters crowing unless I'm awake and in the living room and then just barely.

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