Crows to keep hawks away?

I have a flock ( murder) of crows living on a wooded bluff on the farm behind me. My chickens free range(?) on about 1/2 acre. Have seen hawks around but usually with 2 or 3 crows harassing it. I have fairly large chickens all dual purpose. Have not lost a bird since We have had them. About eight years. Been extremely lucky.
I have a flock ( murder) of crows living on a wooded bluff on the farm behind me. My chickens free range(?) on about 1/2 acre. Have seen hawks around but usually with 2 or 3 crows harassing it. I have fairly large chickens all dual purpose. Have not lost a bird since We have had them. About eight years. Been extremely lucky.
Once or twice a week my brother feeds the crows bird seed from his cockatoo's cage.("Pretty bird")so I don't have a problem with them either. Keeping chicks up until they're bigger prevents predators from eating them(laying age)

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