Cuckoo, Silver Cuckoo, Golden Cuckoo Marans ? looks just like mine! have 2 marans and now a barred rock!
Thanks for the great pic, Ann. I can now tell that I did get 2 BR in with my rainbow layers. I think I have also figured out that I ended up with 2 boys and 4 girls for my Cuckoos. I've also ended up with the same ratio in my Welsummers.
It will probably be hard to rehome the 2 extra roos--at least hard on me!

Here's a group shot at about 3 wks.


Hi, I know you've seen these gals before
but they're from my flock, two cuckoo marans hens, not "silver", just cuckoo, one with feather legs, one with non-feathered legs, both purchased Wendy Jackson in Sacramento, her lines are from Kelly Cratty and Iona McCormick.
have seen a lot of hatchery and lower quality Barred Rocks that have different colored legs.Generally the hens having pinkish white with dark and most of the roosters having yellow.I came across an article from a top Barred Rock producer from older times showing that this is generally the case.However in the BR you want to breed for the yellow leg color in both male and female lines.The better the color the better the bird they say.
Wendy, If your marans are from a cuckoo or gold cuckoo project you very well may end up with yellow legs.. I hatched 11 last fall that are 100% marans from a gold cuckoo project and had two hatch with yellow legs. I ask allot of questions to those with much marans knowledge and because marans were such a mix of breeds to get them that there is the occasional throw back and you can get spontaneous pops ups of this or that. For some reason I cannot see your pics but he or she would just not be breeder quality.

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