So we began with chickens 5/23 for food for our family and we enjoy animals. Reading about an elderly woman in south america, who could not go into a store, as she did not take the jab. A couple in Alaska town, (only 500 people But) who had to have their food delivered, due to not taking the jab. In '22, we decided be better prepared by canning a greater variety of food and thinking about livestock. We did not take the experimental jab and thought, this could happen to us.
So we began with chickens. Golly, we are enjoying them but I have realized, we don't need 25 more pets. I have butchered a roo last year. I needed to know I could do it (I had field dressed a deer in the past). With our latest hatch of 7, 5 were cockerels, we don't need that many, 1 would suffice. I had to make a decision. Yes, I have a couple favs But these are for our food. I thought about rehoming them but golly, We Pay for chicken at the grocer. I have decided to butcher in 3 weeks and eat. I have read so much here, and thanks to all, but these are for us to feed us. Eggs first but not to feed for 3 months and give away (these cockerels are mixed breeds).
This post is for those who may "feel" guilty for culling in this way but you have to ask yourself, why did you get chickens? Pets, a few would suffice. It was a hard...then not so hard decision, when I thought about Why we first began with chickens. We give them a good life, free ranging, treats, care, etc but we began for food for the family.
Thank you to all here who help each other learn.
So we began with chickens. Golly, we are enjoying them but I have realized, we don't need 25 more pets. I have butchered a roo last year. I needed to know I could do it (I had field dressed a deer in the past). With our latest hatch of 7, 5 were cockerels, we don't need that many, 1 would suffice. I had to make a decision. Yes, I have a couple favs But these are for our food. I thought about rehoming them but golly, We Pay for chicken at the grocer. I have decided to butcher in 3 weeks and eat. I have read so much here, and thanks to all, but these are for us to feed us. Eggs first but not to feed for 3 months and give away (these cockerels are mixed breeds).
This post is for those who may "feel" guilty for culling in this way but you have to ask yourself, why did you get chickens? Pets, a few would suffice. It was a hard...then not so hard decision, when I thought about Why we first began with chickens. We give them a good life, free ranging, treats, care, etc but we began for food for the family.
Thank you to all here who help each other learn.