@C Siena OK, sounds like you have preservation down.We began to pressure can over 2 years ago and after 4 months, purchased a second canner to run 2 at a time. Meat goes on sale, we purchase as much as the store has. Chicken on sale last spring, $1.17# boneless breast, I bought 120# and went to work. Bone broth, homemade and canned. purchased beans in 50# bags, just wish they didn't take as long as meat.
Was I apprehensive the first time I pressure canned? yes, I did a trial run with water only, up to pressure and house intact. I was and am on a roll. We want at least 2 yrs. Also electric/solar generator and batteries.
A couple of family members said, we're coming to your place (acres w/woods and pond). I replied, If you bring food. One said I'll pay you, I told my brother, you can eat your money, we'll eat the canned food. My sister is buying a canner Friday (as I took ours to her home and showed her). Next week, I'm going over again to do there first run. We gave them jars, beans and some supplies. Now they are going to begin to store. I wasn't mean but I am not canning for 6 additional people.
I'm waiting longer than you do, until about 18ish weeks. Then sit in the fridge for 3 days, then into the jars.
So then the issue you're having is slaughtering that many at once?