Cutting hardware cloth help!

Thanks, Harbor Freight is not far, was going to go there looking for a cutting tool for this. Was hoping not to spend that much but may do so--I also have a shed to build and am thinking about doing galvanized roofs on the coop, run and shed.
I have never used the Harbor freight brand but should be fine. I have had mine(2) for years and cut so much with them. Mine came from Northern Hyd. They cut this wire so easy that you will have to start slow. I cut some 14 gauge 1x1 2 days ago.
Thanks I may have to bite the bullet and purchase those. Snipping 1/2 inch at a time does not sound like fun. Believe me I'm female but believe in TOOLS!! I LOVE tools.
LOL!! teen grandkids are a bit away. Not so sure I can grab them on my schedule with all the sports. Right now baseball and softball so until mid July Gramma is SOL. They don't live close enough to shuttle them to practice. So just me for now.
I have a multi tool so what kind of blade? I have some issues with my hands so power would be amazing, and I quilt so used to marking straight cuts etc. and have amazing rulers to help. Also what type of marking tool?
You can buy a metal cutting blade at home depot. This doesnt work as good as the grinder but it does work better than hand snipping the hardware cloth.

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