Daughter brought in 10-day-old eggs


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2024
Hi all.
My 66-year-old mother has been vomiting since yesterday about 10:00 p.m. and it is currently noon the next day. She's throwing up every 5 to 7 minutes even with anti-emetic medication. I am at a loss because my daughter just informed me that she wasn't keeping up with her chores and she brought in eggs that were probably more than a week old and just by the numbers I can come up with they had to have been at least 10 days old and clearly not fertilized. My mom ate them about two days ago. Should I take my mom to the hospital? She doesn't want to go she doesn't think that it's from the eggs She doesn't believe that the eggs were bad. My daughter doesn't either. I am extremely concerned. I know nobody can give me medical advice and I'm not holding anyone liable for any information they give me no matter what anyone says I realize I have to make my own decision but I basically am just asking if you think the eggs could have caused this problem? For reference we have silkies and showgirls and strippers silkies as well. I also have two 8-month-old hens that are frizzles but they are the ones that I think laid these eggs because typically my silky rooster keeps the silky hend pretty fertilized. We do not pasteurize our eggs and these were eaten off the counter not refrigerated. She ate them the day they were brought in which could have been anywhere from the 8th- 11th day
I don't refrigerate my eggs and keep them out and use them for a few weeks after they were laid. I've not had any issues myself doing so. Now if I had a hen who was broody and sat on some eggs then I would toss them and not eat it. With that, I do doubt that it is the eggs that caused this.

Also, not sure where you are located but norovirus is going through the US right now. When I had it, I was vomiting a lot and for a while. This could be a possibility of why she is ill however I'm not a doctor.
I hope your mother feels better soon and wishing her all the best.
With the Norovirus going around right now as it is, chances are that is your true culprit. 10 day old eggs are still usually fine to eat and if they hadn't been, she'd have seen symptoms pretty immediately and not two days later well since digested.
Hi all.
My 66-year-old mother has been vomiting since yesterday about 10:00 p.m. and it is currently noon the next day. She's throwing up every 5 to 7 minutes even with anti-emetic medication. I am at a loss because my daughter just informed me that she wasn't keeping up with her chores and she brought in eggs that were probably more than a week old and just by the numbers I can come up with they had to have been at least 10 days old and clearly not fertilized. My mom ate them about two days ago. Should I take my mom to the hospital? She doesn't want to go she doesn't think that it's from the eggs She doesn't believe that the eggs were bad. My daughter doesn't either. I am extremely concerned. I know nobody can give me medical advice and I'm not holding anyone liable for any information they give me no matter what anyone says I realize I have to make my own decision but I basically am just asking if you think the eggs could have caused this problem? For reference we have silkies and showgirls and strippers silkies as well. I also have two 8-month-old hens that are frizzles but they are the ones that I think laid these eggs because typically my silky rooster keeps the silky hend pretty fertilized. We do not pasteurize our eggs and these were eaten off the counter not refrigerated. She ate them the day they were brought in which could have been anywhere from the 8th- 11th day
no, it was not the eggs. yes, your mother probably should see a doctor.
Google's AI sez:

Symptoms of food poisoning can appear anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 weeks after eating contaminated food:
I agree it's most likely from a random bug going around rather than bad eggs. Eggs are good for longer than that sitting out especially in winter. She should at least go to urgent care to be looked at 'cause if she's vomiting that much she's almost certainly dehydrated. If nothing else they can give her a stronger medication to stop her from vomiting so much. I can confirm that there are bugs that nasty going around as I caught one myself back towards the end of march. Couldn't even keep down water that weekend. Worst stomach bug I ever had

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