Day 16 of incubating chicken eggs

8 chicks hatched from this bunch the fridge eggs didn't make it, probably because some one washed them first. anyhow, I have had chicks hatch out the bottom before, they peck hole sooner that a normal peck hole would because a normal peck hole goes, air bubble first breathes air, then pecks out side hole, then rests until yolk absorbed another whole day later, so because your chick could not get to his air bubble that is why it seemed early.
he can breath now so he will be fine just leave him be- if he starts to bleed a bit, he will stop pecking on his own hopefully.
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I can hear my guys chirping! I have to go out of town Sunday evening for an overnight trip. I am hoping these guys will hatch before then. I have a friend willing to watch them, but I'd feel better if they were already hatched.

36 hrs until we leave town... no eggs cracking yet. I'm obsessed with checking them now...
goes like this 24 hrs after you hear peeping- first peck hole- then they rest and get quiet for the next 24 hrs til they hatch and you start saying, why don't the hatch why dont they move- they need help- nope they are just absorbing their yolk. any way go away they will be fine and can stay in the bator a couple days after they hatch. you are good.
i will post photos later.
i have had 10 hatch so far i'm so happy

2 more had little holes in them
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