Day 18.....Lockdown

Yup it was incubated with the large end up...:
(...I got another 1 that hatched with its guts all exposed...look like it was coming out of its butt .
it died too...but other than that all the other ones are doing great....
Yup it was incubated with the large end up...:
(...I got another 1 that hatched with its guts all exposed...look like it was coming out of its butt .
it died too...but other than that all the other ones are doing great....

that is the very last part of the chick to form.. sounds like it was behind by a day or so.
it draws the intestines into it's abdomen, then the yolk and all of the veins, then forms skin over the top and closes as a "navel"

this whole process takes places between the time that it pips internally and starts zipping. that is part of the reason why it takes 24+ hours to go from Int pip to hatch. the chick is still going through a lot of physical changes, it is triggered by breathing air for the first time inside the air cell!
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so Farmer Viola- I totally agree with you about the dry hatching and not locking down until inner pip. when a chick has inner pipped you also know it has not drown. I am going to add water on my next hatch (day before Valentine's) only after the first outer pip, and then assume all the others have inner pipped.
so Farmer Viola- I totally agree with you about the dry hatching and not locking down until inner pip. when a chick has inner pipped you also know it has not drown. I am going to add water on my next hatch (day before Valentine's) only after the first outer pip, and then assume all the others have inner pipped.

it works really well! I like to candle them day 18 and 19 and feel like I know how progressed they are, or how much clear is left. I like to try and predict the first pipper ;) sometimes it works..

I increase humidity when I find the first internal pip, not necessarily external.
although with the 7 favs in my incubator right now, the external pip happened before I ever saw an internal
I have nine due feb.13th out of 12 placed, one was clear and 2 quit. All nine still have veins in air cells- I have 2 incubators going, 7 of the nine looked more advanced air cell size, they are in one incubator. the other 2 will probably be draggy and I have them in with 5 eggs I placed to hatch on the 23. just so I don't add water on eggs that have small air cell.

I have been watching temp every 2 hrs it has been pretty steady but I really want to keep 102 and not over or under so they hatch still air/dry hatch. They get sung too and have 1 week old chicks underneath the incubators

I hope to have a good hatch the trick with combining is wait until the little chicks can run and have more little chicks than bigger chicks. since the eggs heard the voices of the big chicks, and the big chicks will hear egg peeping I hope all goes well

I added this one chick to 9 babies that were one week older the babies below

and I added them to one baby 3 weeks older and she was by herself. she was glad for the company.

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