Day 18.....Lockdown

Today is Day 18 of my very first hatch! I have 7 Americauna eggs out of 9 that look good. 2 were clear :(.

Two eggs, though, have a more 'watery' look to them near the air cell. The air cell is intact, but when my hand moves, liquid is there maybe under the membrane? The other 5 don't look that way. I marked those two with a big question mark. Any thoughts on the wetness?

Temp has been 99.5-100 and humidity has stayed around 30-35% the whole time.

keep them in the incubator if you like candle the tips, that is a big indicator, if it is clear on the tips I would not lock down.

I am dry hatching homemade incubator- and I am on day 15, tomorrow I will stop turning and not open my incubator until day 22 no extra water until outside pip, maybe, I am just going to let them do their thing- no help no taking out chicks till day 22. I have hatched in THIS proven incubator many times.

3 pics below are my dry hatch eggs hatching.

not my total count- but chicks that hatched in that box 2013 only fits about 6 eggs had 9 hatches and 45 chicks some hatches I only put in 4 eggs some batches had 8 eggs in others
each photo below were separate batches



11/13 -3 weeks apart I had 2/2 eggs hatch and 3 weeks later one of 2 hatched

7/13 both these groups hatched together 8 total

4th batch

third batch

the chicks above are in the same order as the eggs below minus the blue egg that hatched but the chick didn't make it.
day 18 for my 4 eggs I placed 5 one was clear. One is spot on the other 3 have veins, but not shrunk down. I am going to wait until outer pip to lock down moisture wise, but I have stopped candling.
I heard peeping all night and woke up to a lil pip! Stupid work is totally getting in the way of my chickeny endeavors. Hope I come home to a fluffy and more pips!

my chick wants buddies- I have a lady that can give me chicks tomorrow- and I still have sun/mon to wait for the rest. I want to put the 3 weeks old in heated outside pen and not with this little guy.

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