Declining 3.5yr old hen seemly from either eye injury or respiratory infection.


Oct 2, 2022

Here are links to my previous post about the same hen. Her eye has improved but she hasn’t. I wouldn’t say she declined but at the same time she has.

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)

Buff Orpington, 3.5yrs, maybe 2lbs. Yes she does feel lighter than normal.

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

She’s very lethargic, lays around and sleeps in various places, slow to come when called or when flock comes, I found her still sleeping outside the coop last night.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?

She started acting off about
6 weeks ago.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?


5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.

I brought her in about five weeks ago to give her some Nutra-Drench because I noticed she was moving slower than normal. When I gave it to her, my hand grazed her eye. From that point on, she’s not kept her eye open and it’s become swollen. She still opens it and appears to be able to see out of it but keeps it closed most of the time.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.

Mentioned that in the above question.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.

She’s been eating her regular food and drinking water. But the last two days she’s not eating or drinking much at all.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.

I haven’t seen any of her poop lately.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

Nutra-Drench, VetRx, viagard, erythromycin, saline rinses, warm salt water compress.

I did viagard with someone’s suggestion to it being a respiratory infection. I’ve checked for pus in the eye, never been any.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?

At home is all I can do.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

Pictures will be posted.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use.

She stays in the coop with her flock. I brought her in at first and kept her separated but she did better with her rooster pushing her to eat and drink. She’s now inside again because I found her asleep outside the coop last night.

Bedding in the coop is a mixture of pine pellets and pine shavings.

Pictures are listed from today to the first day.


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Nutra-Drench, VetRx, viagard, erythromycin, saline rinses, warm salt water compress.

I did viagard with someone’s suggestion to it being a respiratory infection. I’ve checked for pus in the eye, never been any.
Do you mean Tiagard (Tiamulin)?

Are you putting the ointment IN to the eye?
I agree on the other other threads, it looks like there may be pus in the eye that needs to be removed.

Does she have mites?

You can try Baytril to see if she improves. Hard to know what's going on with her. It could be a virus that won't respond to antibiotics.

Work on keeping her hydrated and eating. If vet care is an option, then it would be a good idea to have her seen.
Do you mean Tiagard (Tiamulin)?

Are you putting the ointment IN to the eye?
I agree on the other other threads, it looks like there may be pus in the eye that needs to be removed.

Does she have mites?

You can try Baytril to see if she improves. Hard to know what's going on with her. It could be a virus that won't respond to antibiotics.

Work on keeping her hydrated and eating. If vet care is an option, then it would be a good idea to have her seen.
Yes, tiagard.

I’m putting the ointment around the eye.

I’ve looked for pus, I’ve pushed around to see if pus would appear, nothing!

No mites.

She’s eating and drinking when she’s outside she just hasn’t been going to the coop for bed the last two nights.
The ointment must go IN her eye directly on the eyeball not around. Put her on Poultry Cell daily for the next two weeks. I find it works much better than Nutridrench and has a much more comprehensive vitamin profile.
Yes, tiagard.

I’m putting the ointment around the eye.

I’ve looked for pus, I’ve pushed around to see if pus would appear, nothing!

No mites.

She’s eating and drinking when she’s outside she just hasn’t been going to the coop for bed the last two nights.
Put the ointment IN the eye.
Are you putting the ointment IN to the eye?

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