Deter rodents humanely

You know, one idea is, instead of changing traps, how about changing bait? We've had the experience of getting nowhere with a trap for weeks, then going to, say, peanut butter as bait, and catching a critter within -- no exaggeration -- minutes!
We have tried peanut butter, KFC, grower mash, layer grains, layer pellets, nuts, cheese, meat, and marshmallows. We only handle traps and bait while wearing gloves.
I'd have to see a scientific study that states any of the smelly stuff repels rodents. Blog postings are mostly useless, written to get clicks.

Traps, regardless of baits, work a few times till the rodents wise up.

The only sure method of dealing with rodents is to simply stop feeding them and they either leave or starve to death. Nothing else is going to work long term.
There’s only one remedy that I would ever use: predator pee.
How does it hold up to rain and how long does it last before you have to re-apply?

Deterrents: mint I think is one deterrent.
I tried several varieties of mint-based deterrents in my cars one season when they were getting bombarded with mice. The smell was so strong it was off-putting even for humans, but mice rather promptly ate both the cloth packaging and either ate or carried away most of the actual minty bits too. So the packets at least are no good for more than a day or two.
How does it hold up to rain and how long does it last before you have to re-apply?

I tried several varieties of mint-based deterrents in my cars one season when they were getting bombarded with mice. The smell was so strong it was off-putting even for humans, but mice rather promptly ate both the cloth packaging and either ate or carried away most of the actual minty bits too. So the packets at least are no good for more than a day or two.
I reapply about every 30 days. It will dissipate in rain but not a light drizzle.
I posted this in a new thread but it answers your questions about predator wastes and smelly stuff. Neither work, if they did rain would wash away the odor quickly. One hell of a racket though if you had a big cat to feed.

From the article:

In those days humans sometimes relied on verbal abuse as a means of getting rid of rats. The Irish, in particular, were supposed to rhyme them to death as Ben Jonson in1601 is quoted: "Rime 'hem to death, as they do Irish Ratsin drumming tunes"

Have you tried mint? There's a product called rodent police or something that you can find online. It's supposed to be the kryptonite to mice.
In one of the threads on humane mice control a poster told of their experience with a mint product designed to be placed in car engine compartments to deter mice. Said it was so strong that it was hard to put up with inside the car. Didn't work, the mice chewed the fabric bags of mint up and carried away all of the mint.
LOL, the post right next to your post actually had the car mint story in it if you expanded the post they copied.

This thread so far doesn't look good for the forum and the quality of the advice given but I suppose it makes people feel good.

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