Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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Update on my broody hen sitting on one lone egg:

Day 22: Awful smell in coop, part of an eggshell slimed with a bit of green goo. That's all, folks . . . . at least the hens cleaned it up for me!

Poor hen is still sitting on the nest . . . .
Update on my broody hen sitting on one lone egg:

Day 22: Awful smell in coop, part of an eggshell slimed with a bit of green goo. That's all, folks . . . . at least the hens cleaned it up for me!

Poor hen is still sitting on the nest . . . .
hi,my first hatch was great, 18 from 19 eggs .light sussex, now 6 wks old. all doing fine -was done in a borrowed ,cheap chinese, plastic, janoel octagon ( 60 egg) incubator with fan,no turner.
i had to wrap in sleeping bag & 2 coats to maintain temp.had a power cut for 1day .eggs were from my own hens including 4 i had in frig -wanted to have good number to maintain thermal mass in incubator.also put 2 ziplock bags of hot water in for the same reason.actually went to day 23 due to low temp.
now have a s/h 48 egg incubator i bought .digital readouts, auto turner, have 26 eggs in - 14 light sussex & ( 12 australorps ( $90 ) shipped via post) .Am hoping for another good hatch.is holding temp well,thank goodness.
am incubating as i only had 1 australorp hen & rooster & 2 hens & rooster in the light sussex . i wanted to have these 2 breeds (purebred) but needed to increase my hen to rooster ratio -purebreds r expensive here in aust .tried to buy some australorp pullets @ an auction but were too much for me ,went for $205 for the pair, i think my first good hatch was due to my following this thread & other good info from BYC so thanks again for yr diligent research & putting here to help others .cheers Pete
hi,my first hatch was great, 18 from 19 eggs .light sussex, now 6 wks old. all doing fine -was done in a borrowed ,cheap chinese, plastic, janoel octagon ( 60 egg) incubator with fan,no turner.
i had to wrap in sleeping bag & 2 coats to maintain temp.had a power cut for 1day .eggs were from my own hens including 4 i had in frig -wanted to have good number to maintain thermal mass in incubator.also put 2 ziplock bags of hot water in for the same reason.actually went to day 23 due to low temp.
now have a s/h 48 egg incubator i bought .digital readouts, auto turner, have 26 eggs in - 14 light sussex & ( 12 australorps ( $90 ) shipped via post) .Am hoping for another good hatch.is holding temp well,thank goodness.
am incubating as i only had 1 australorp hen & rooster & 2 hens & rooster in the light sussex . i wanted to have these 2 breeds (purebred) but needed to increase my hen to rooster ratio -purebreds r expensive here in aust .tried to buy some australorp pullets @ an auction but were too much for me ,went for $205 for the pair, i think my first good hatch was due to my following this thread & other good info from BYC so thanks again for yr diligent research & putting here to help others .cheers Pete
AWESOME and cool you have more in!! How did they show up when you got them? How far had they traveled? ALSO how was the box marked? Curious for obvious reasons LOL!!!! It is Soooooo addicting isnt it???
AWESOME and cool you have more in!! How did they show up when you got them? How far had they traveled? ALSO how was the box marked? Curious for obvious reasons LOL!!!! It is Soooooo addicting isnt it???

eggs individually wrapped in kitchen paper towel, in taped egg carton ,which was surrounded in crumpled newspaper inside another securely taped box.traveled 5 days via post from interstate,only making was my address.i think that they did well as eggs were secure & couldn't bounce around like in foam peanuts ,but most shipped eggs here in aust r shipped individually wrapped in bubble wrap,some ppl believe it does not allow egg to breath naturally enough like the fellow i got my eggs from. didn't have any disrupted air cells lucky enough .
glad u changed yr avatar back ,yr smile is so much better ,dispite how much i like chickens lol
AIR CELLs UGGGG!! BCM eggs (7 of them) that I put in the bator as a staggered hatch with my HALO...... I think I was pretty right on the 6/7 day mark, I candled when I turned just now and am thinking that PERHAPS the air cells should be smaller, and that having lockdown of Halo and High humidity for those 4 days may have screwed the process up for these guys..... I also dont think the embryo's look the same sizes, some look alot smaller and some fill the eggs completely dark!!! Another words UHHHH OOOOOOOO !!!!

NOW WHAT??? I have ran it for the past 2 days at like 22/28% and they still look like 14 day air cells!
Wonder if I should HOLD OFF and NOT do LOCKDOWN tomorrow!!!

THOUGHTS!!! I am trying to find day 18 candle pics to refer to!!! if you have any 14 or 18 day please post!! Thanks

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