Did i drown my baby chick?


Jun 24, 2024
My baby chick was so weak she couldn't even hold herself and would be in every position you put her and making no noise unless you move her. Her eyes were closed all the time. You could say she's already dead. I gave her Yolk and suger water with a serum and she was able to move her head and swallow the water hardly. i held her in my hand for minutes. She wasn't getting any better so i put her on the floor and wet her beak with suger water. She moved her head to swallow the water and she was struggling swallowing it. Then she chirped once and died suddenly. Did she drown or it was her end?

I’ve had some get this way when they were cold ( and that’s the only ones that live) , or sick , or failure to thrive and they do die , I don’t think it would have made a difference ,

If it makes you feel any better last year my stepson called me screaming and crying that our chick had died , I told him wait until I get home and I will help you bury it, I get home and I hear a loud chirp from the ground as soon as I got out of the car ( he went ahead and buried it )

My stepson is now crying and screaming but he showed me a video - this bird had by all descriptions of dead , appeared dead .

We dug it up- I kept giving it sugar water and at some point it was even walking again. Then it blew bubbles and died again.

Scared to bury it and scared to sleep with a possibly dead chick in my house I did what I had to do to make sure it wouldn’t come back.

Since then I’ve had many many more chicks ( close to 100) anytime they are at this point , they don’t come back. You were trying a last ditch effort to save it. You knew it a was last ditch effort . If it aspirated on what you gave it it would have aspirated trying to eat or drink later .

I’m so so sorry for your loss . Sometimes blaming ourselves seems like the right answer but , if you hadn’t tried , you would have felt badly for that too. You did all you could . Rip little birdy
Thank you so much.
She had brother
He looks alright but he's chirping loudly non-stop. Im concerned

I’ve had some get this way when they were cold ( and that’s the only ones that live) , or sick , or failure to thrive and they do die , I don’t think it would have made a difference ,

If it makes you feel any better last year my stepson called me screaming and crying that our chick had died , I told him wait until I get home and I will help you bury it, I get home and I hear a loud chirp from the ground as soon as I got out of the car ( he went ahead and buried it )

My stepson is now crying and screaming but he showed me a video - this bird had by all descriptions of dead , appeared dead .

We dug it up- I kept giving it sugar water and at some point it was even walking again. Then it blew bubbles and died again.

Scared to bury it and scared to sleep with a possibly dead chick in my house I did what I had to do to make sure it wouldn’t come back.

Since then I’ve had many many more chicks ( close to 100) anytime they are at this point , they don’t come back. You were trying a last ditch effort to save it. You knew it a was last ditch effort . If it aspirated on what you gave it it would have aspirated trying to eat or drink later .

I’m so so sorry for your loss . Sometimes blaming ourselves seems like the right answer but , if you hadn’t tried , you would have felt badly for that too. You did all you could . Rip little birdyn

If he's alone give him a mirror so he feels less lonely.
You have a heater for the chicks, right?
Oh ok. No i dont have heater
I use other things like hot water bag or warm jelly bag. He isn't warm all the time
But even when he is, he still chirps so much. Even when he's under your hand or walking for himself.
Oh ok. No i dont have heater
I use other things like hot water bag or warm jelly bag. He isn't warm all the time
But even when he is, he still chirps so much. Even when he's under your hand or walking for himself.
Okay so they have to be warm all the time, truly - I can send you a heater ..
If it’s 95+ today without rain, where your living the chick needs to be outside today In a brooder , where nothing can get in except sunlight until you get a heater, let us know how we can help

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