
Aug 13, 2024
my adult chickens have started to get pasty butt, we had one pass away a few weeks ago, she had bad pasty butt and now another one has it even though i cleaned her yesterday she has it again this morning. they eat a good clean diet we give them supplements from time to time like hydrohen or a minty oil that is supposed to keep respiratory health good. but i did not raise these chickens we bought them from someone outside a feed store maybe two years ago. my worry is that my new chickens will get sick. we just moved them into the backyard but have not let them run free yet. what should i do? get rid of my old chickens? how can i prevent disease for my new chicks? the last thing i want is a sick flock. a while back one of my cockerals got very sick and i thought we were gonna lose him. another one currently has a nasty abcese, and i dont have another picture but it has literally tripled in size since i took this pic. i have been putting garlic oil on it but has not helped at all, it is still black.


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my adult chickens have started to get pasty butt, we had one pass away a few weeks ago, she had bad pasty butt and now another one has it even though i cleaned her yesterday she has it again this morning. they eat a good clean diet we give them supplements from time to time like hydrohen or a minty oil that is supposed to keep respiratory health good. but i did not raise these chickens we bought them from someone outside a feed store maybe two years ago. my worry is that my new chickens will get sick. we just moved them into the backyard but have not let them run free yet. what should i do? get rid of my old chickens? how can i prevent disease for my new chicks? the last thing i want is a sick flock. a while back one of my cockerals got very sick and i thought we were gonna lose him. another one currently has a nasty abcese, and i dont have another picture but it has literally tripled in size since i took this pic. i have been putting garlic oil on it but has not helped at all, it is still black.
As for the rooster, that could be peck marks from another chicken. In case that's what it is, I'd put a dab if triple-antibiotic ointment (without the painkiller) on that. If you have Vetericyn spray, a little of that would do the trick too.

It could be fowl pox too, but just one black spot doesn't mean that's what it is. If that's what it is, it just needs to run its course. I'd give him/them vitamin water, like Poultry Cell or Nutra Drench every other day for a couple of weeks to help keep him supported.

As for the pasty butt, you're already doing probiotics with the Hydro Hen as that's what I always give them too.

What are they all getting fed and have access to?
As for the rooster, that could be peck marks from another chicken. In case that's what it is, I'd put a dab if triple-antibiotic ointment (without the painkiller) on that. If you have Vetericyn spray, a little of that would do the trick too.

It could be fowl pox too, but just one black spot doesn't mean that's what it is. If that's what it is, it just needs to run its course. I'd give him/them vitamin water, like Poultry Cell or Nutra Drench every other day for a couple of weeks to help keep him supported.

As for the pasty butt, you're already doing probiotics with the Hydro Hen as that's what I always give them too.

What are they all getting fed and have access to?
the chicks are getting fed nutrena chick starter and sometimes a little bit of protein scratch, we started letting them free range last week so they have just been eating what they find in the yard. the adult chickens are getting high pro scratch, grit, pellets, crumbles, the occasional veg and fruit scraps, oyster shells. and they free range. they usually snag some of our pigs and goats food while im taking it out.

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