Do different horse breeds have different temperments?

I have raised Arabs, paints, QH's, Apps and draft breeds all. The answer is YES they do most definately have different temperments. I loved all my horses for different characteristics common to their breed but the Drafties are my favorites
A lot of people will tell you that arabs are hot or thoroughbreds are nervous, etc....but you've really got to go see the horse and ride the horse under different conditions on different days and see for yourself. I agree that any horse with a little draft blood is usually going to be pretty laid back and cool but there are exceptions to everything. I'm in love with Friesians myself but I have Percherons and Belgians too and they're all wonderful big ol' puppy dogs. I've never been a real big fan of the Quarter horse breed (blasphemy I know) until I got a little Appy mare who has the sweetest personality of any of my horses.
Good luck on you quest for a horse. Please consider a rescue.
I am a firm believer that the more spots an App has the crazier they are!!! I've had them jump fences--sideways, run in front of trucks, do back flips and bite the crap out of me all with me in the saddle!!! Give me a Morgan or Quarter anytime!! I do love the look of a purty paint though
LOL! See how horses have different temperments???? I have a leopard Appy, more spots than your average dalmatian and she's the sweetest horse in my herd. She's also due to have her first foal soon....
Ever considered a mule? Check into it. There are some of us out here that won't own anything else. Nothing against horses, but we like our big old puppy dogs with hooves.

This is My DW on Ron. Percheron/cross
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As everyone has already mentioned they do.

Horse breeds are classified into 3 different "blood types:"
1.) Hot Blooded
2.) Warm Blooded
3.) Cold Blooded.

Now these different blood types DO NOT mean that cold blooded horses are actually cold blooded like reptiles and vice versa, (although there may be slight fluctuations in body temperatures). These "blood types" more so refer to a horses temperament.

Hot blooded horses are your Arabians, Barbs, and Thoroughbreds. They tend to be more high strung and spirited.

Warm Blooded horses are your stock horses (Quarter Horses, Paints, Apps, etc), Warmbloods (Oldenburgs, Hanoverians, Holsteiners, Selle Francis, etc), other types of "riding horses..." They can be spirited, but are more level headed in general.

Cold Blooded horses are more of your heavy-duty breeds - Draft horses (Belgians, Percherons, Shires, Clydesdales, etc). These tend to be very calm; nothing really phases them...

However, keep in mind that despite these "blood"/temperament classifications, there are exceptions. Each breed also has their own quirks and each horse has its own unique personality...

I know you said you were interested in the "Indian" breeds...
- Paints are very versatile. They are just like Quarter Horses only with "more color" ("color" = markings/white). In general, they have a very stable mindset and a great work ethic.
- Appaloosas are interesting... I personally am not a huge fan, but they do make a nice horse. They generally tend to be more stubborn and lazy...
Aw! Give me that MULE!!!

I agree that although breeds do have certain characteristics that all horses are individuals.

You may decide that you like the look of a certain breed but definately when you go horse shopping make sure that you find a horse that you get along with and enjoy.

I've ridden Appaloosas, Trakehners, Morgans, Thoroughbreds and grade horses. I love them all for their own individuality.

Best of luck with your horse dreams!

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