does anyone do 4h?

We can check out a thick binder from the extension office that includes workbooks for all the levels as well as the leaders resources for any project area. If you really wanted to, you could also buy them. Does your extension office offer that?

The ones I've checked out would allow basically anyone to be a leader in anything. We were completely lost until I found out about them.
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I love hearing about everyone's 4H experience

My 7 year old daughter is in her 3rd year as a Cloverbud so she hasn't been able to compete with the older kids.
The Cloverbuds have it good because they can choose how involved they want to be they have to have one project to show at their little corner in the 4H barn at the fair.
Her first 2 years she did entomology and displayed her insect collection and this year she is involved in our poultry group, too.
Our poultry leader is knowledgeable but our 18 year old teen leader has been showing poultry for 10 years and her mom is really involved too.
My daughter is learning fitting with the group but since she is still a Cloverbud she is going to entry her silkie in the open classes.
Our poultry group is caravaning to Montana in May to attend a show which I think is great for the kids...and I'm excited, too


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