Does unvaccinated 6-8 month old chickens need secondary vaccines?


In the Brooder
Oct 29, 2024
My two chickens have never been vaccinated and I'm going to buy and vaccinate them for the first time with ndib (injection), AEP (fowlpox + encephalomyelitis), and gamboro. I know it is late but it's better than nothing.
Should I still give a second dose of each vaccine at this time? If so, how many days apart should each second dose be?
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It depends. I've had issues with a particularly nasty strain of fowl pox so I do vaccinate for that. The girls are also vaccinated against mereks which was done out of personal preference. I think it just comes down on if there's any diseases that are a particular problem in your area and your own goals and personal preferences
I dont think it matters really.
Our chickens were vaccinated for mycoplasma and coccidiosis, and got both of them

I don’t vaccinate either. Just careful adding newcomers to my flock. I buy hatchery eggs when I want chicks.

It depends. I've had issues with a particularly nasty strain of fowl pox so I do vaccinate for that. The girls are also vaccinated against mereks which was done out of personal preference. I think it just comes down on if there's any diseases that are a particular problem in your area and your own goals and personal preferences
Thanks. I'll stick with what I'm doing, we're very isolated, I buy chicks and have not - ever - lost a chicken to illness.
My two chickens have never been vaccinated and I'm going to buy and vaccinate them for the first time with ndib (injection), AEP (fowlpox + encephalomyelitis), and gamboro. I know it is late but it's better than nothing.
Should I still give a second dose of each vaccine at this time? If so, how many days apart should each second dose be?
Why do you want to vaccinate them now? How old are they?

Read the Product Information sheet for the vaccine(s) you wish to administer, this will give you a lot information and answer most of your questions.

Generally Fowl Pox+Encephalomyelitis vaccines are given between the ages of 8 weeks and 4 weeks before start of egg production.
There is no repeat with this vaccine.

Gombaro is administered at 7-28days of age. It's not a vaccine I've ever seen a backyard keeper mention wanting to use.
I'm not sure how prevalent Gombaro is in backyard flocks, it's mainly see, if at all, in commercial poultry houses.

If your birds are eating/drinking/active/laying and seem to be happy and healthy, I see no need of doing any of the above.

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